Zeal Blogs

A Night of Inspiration & Prayer
A Night of Inspiration & Prayer

Some of the folk who gathered from different Churches and Organisation here in Brentwood. Our focus was to pray for the forthcoming outreach events in our town by different churches working together in Unity. Begin with the Half Marathon starting at Sawyers Church...

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Why do We Sometimes Limit God in our Thinking?
Why do We Sometimes Limit God in our Thinking?

Why do we sometimes limit God in our thinking? We will need 40ft Containers for missions this year to Cambodia & Liberia to fill with Humanitarian aid and Gospel materials. If you can help me contact us. This is my prayer - Matthew 21:21-22 Then Jesus told them, "I...

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Caring Sharing
Caring Sharing

"Caring & Sharing " opening night focussed on the importance of prayer when communicating. The first impression we portray was of key importance having a smile and good eye contact. Being ready to LISTEN and pray for God to lead the way forward. Many people heard "You...

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Life Comes from What You Can’t See!
Life Comes from What You Can’t See!

THINK OF A TREE! - What do you see the trunk of the tree, then you look up and see the branches and leaves. What don't you see ? - The root which is love, without the root, there is NO LIFE! - NO TREE. As Paul wrote, (1 Corth. 13:1) without love our words become no...

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Ignite training days plus “Caring & Sharing”
Ignite training days plus “Caring & Sharing”

Ignite training programme, have two new seminar titles - F.A.T.O.S and Fruits of the Spirit. Ignite training days can be structured to meet peoples and churches needs for instance one day, two or three day events. We have topics to inspire and equip the church in...

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Guest Speakers Tim Grant & George Osborn
Guest Speakers Tim Grant & George Osborn

Zeal launch was held at the fellowship hall at Trinity Church Brentwood on Saturday 18th January 2014. Pictured here next to Peter Ruck is Tim Grant they travelled together in Eastern Europe working together at outreach and training events in mission schools. Vince...

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God’s Footprint for Love
God’s Footprint for Love

Zeal release their new tract entitled "LOVE" - God's footprint for love. - Love is a gift from God for everyone. This follow the same format as the first tract "The Way" it folds as 6page appox. 99mm square - folds up and fir neatly into your shirt pocket or your purse.

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