Zeal Blogs

Set “FREE”
Set “FREE”

My story of my life My name is Liviu Cristescu and was born in Romania I am the second son from 7 children and was brought up in a very conservative christian home, and we were always taken to church, and we've been thought to love and fear God For God so loved us...

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Evangelism vision and encouragement
Evangelism vision and encouragement

It was a privilge to share a message of encouragement with a vision for Evangelism at CGMi Common Impact Church in Dagenham. Beginning by sharing the message in 1 Thes 1:10 the story of Paul visiting the church. How Paul did not want the Thessalonians or any other...

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The Mission School in Liberia is now open
The Mission School in Liberia is now open

Taking hold of the baton - Our partner Pastor Amos Freeman has opened the mission school for the students "these pictures say a thousand words" They have Bibles and Theological books to help them take the Gospel out into their nation. This School & Orphanges have...

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Songs of Praise Outreach Event
Songs of Praise Outreach Event

Guest Speaker in my home town Brentwood, England. Great to be part of this Songs of Praise evening hosted by Pastor Gbenga thanks for the photos. The opening speaker was my namesake Phillip Ruck the chief executive from the local borough council pictured with me and...

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Liberia Mission 2017

Sometimes things don’t workout how you’ve planned, “do they?” Especially when your doing something that makes you feel good. Even after you’ve prayed and you believe your doing God’s will. Liberia in West Africa was a mission trip  I (Peter Ruck) was suppose to have...

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Mirror of Christ
Mirror of Christ

Wonderful to be back with my “Jungle Family” the Orang Asli tribe in the central peninsular of Malaysia. It is absolutely marvellous to see the way God’s hand has been upon this tribe who live deep in the Rainforest. The outreach began in 2007 when my dear friends...

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Testimony of Peter Brown
Testimony of Peter Brown

2016 The prayer from my heart was, "Lord I don't know how much longer I have on this earth, days, weeks, months, years or tens of years. Lord I want to use whatever time I have left to serve you." One morning soon after this prayer, during my quiet time with The Lord,...

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Athletes in Action – Brentwood
Athletes in Action – Brentwood

Athletes in Action started in Brentwood in the Summer of 2012 when a team from Athletes in Action, Holland stayed on after the London Olympics to lead a sports mission in the town. Since then we have continued to play sport and share the Gospel with local youth. Based...

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Carols in the Diner Outreach
Carols in the Diner Outreach

We took to the streets in Harold Hill on Saturday afternoon inviting people to Sunday evening in the diner in the middle of the shopping centre. The Zeal team gave out invites with Healing Bus group with the local host Pastor Niyi. We had opportunities to pray for...

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