Zeal Blogs

You need to write book!
You need to write book!

 A word was spoken over me in 2014 that I needed to write a book in Moscow. My immediate response was “I am to busy traveling, anyway I am not a writer. That seemingly got me off the hook! Two years later in 2016, I became unwell and could not drive or travel due to...

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Empower to Evangelise in Belgium
Empower to Evangelise in Belgium

It was 325km drive and sea crossing  from Brentwood to Kortirjk in Belgium for the Imove  Evangelism training programme EMPOWERED TO EVANGELISE with Kevin & Leslie McNulty. It was great to catch up with other members of the Tent100 team Kirill & Olga and their...

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Arise Training Programme
Arise Training Programme

Amnos church planting school hosts and organising an annual event called “Arise” they have teams arriving from around the UK, USA and as far away as South Korea. I was invited to teach at one of the Evangelism sessions. I was showing the students the “Tear & Share...

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The Soul Food Christain Bookstall
The Soul Food Christain Bookstall

This is an oasis in the middle of a street market. We sell Christian books and media & Bibles. It is really the “hook” to be able to talk to non believers, pray with people in need. We are active on the street handing out tracts and newspapers. Looking for...

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On the Move Brentwood
On the Move Brentwood

Three days of glorious sunshine at the Chapel ruins in the centre of Brentwood town. We worked together to share the love of Jesus in the community. This year we were joined by a young group from the USA who served alongside us. We have tables and chairs in position...

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Dancing in the Street
Dancing in the Street

Great time “On the Move BBQ outreach, despite the the drizzling rain. The Echo band with thieir own brand of Christian music with words adapted to well known soul and mowtown music. It could be heard in the Street. Two ladies came out to dance from a shop. I felt...

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Jesus loves little children and cares for them
Jesus loves little children and cares for them

Joe Crow the gloove puppet came to the Common Impact Church in Dagenham for the Easter Hunt. He wanted us to share a story of the Good Shepherd with the children and parents. We read Psalm 23 to the children “The Lord is my shepherd “ asking them who do they thought...

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Seconds Out
Seconds Out

Zeal take boxing ring into Church.  Peter Ruck in the ring What a great night as people came for a ringside seat to hear the testimonies of Jimmy Tibbs who shared his amazing life story as a professional boxer and trainer. He shared how he got involved in gang land...

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What does God want?
What does God want?

Sunday breakfast at the family service at Heart of Worship in Shenfield. What do you want to be?  God has a plan for you. “But God chose the foolish things of the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of the world...

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