Zeal Blogs

Preaching & Planning: A Tent Mission in Bucharest
Preaching & Planning: A Tent Mission in Bucharest

Our team arrived back in Bucharest to meet local pastors to plan for a tent mission in the city centre. We gathered together and committed the vision to prayer. We focussed on unity and the event to be directed by the Holy Spirit as we prayed. We adjourned to the...

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Mission to Romania
Mission to Romania

"Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his words by signs and wonders that accompanied it. Mark 16:20. We went to deliver our vision to do a tent mission in Bucharest to a group of pastors leaving them to...

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Our first ‘Taste of India’
Our first ‘Taste of India’

Scripture tells us to “Taste and see the Lord in good” Psalm 38:4. Gururaj Iyengar invited Liviu Crestescu & Peter Ruck to join him on mission in his homeland India. We left Gatwick Airport after a long delay, we missed our connecting flight in Dubai going onto...

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You’re the Only Jesus Some Will Ever See
You’re the Only Jesus Some Will Ever See

This was the title of my message at my home church Trinity in Brentwood on 2nd December. It was the first time I had preached there for along time. It was wonderful to be sharing Good News looking out on so many friends. I am attaching a link so you can listen to the...

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Ordination in the USA
Ordination in the USA

As I mentioned in recent blogs. I received prophecy several years ago that I would travel to America and would be the start of new opportunities. If I am brutally honest, I wrote down the things that were spoken and left it on a piece of paper. Well, a series of...

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Tent Nation USA
Tent Nation USA

Drs Kevin & Leslie McNulty launched Tent Nation USA at Port Orange Florida. This vision is put to 50 teams, 50 tents in the 50 states in the USA.  The Tent 100 team joined the home team from the USA. Evangelist came from a far everyone of us funded ourselves the...

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100th Tent Commissioned for Tent 100
100th Tent Commissioned for Tent 100

Tent No1 was in Minsk, Belarus in 1998. I first became involved in 1999 in Brentwood when the legendary Dr TL Osborn came to preach at the “All Churches Miracle Crusade”. I met Drs Kevin & Leslie McNulty who were charged to put 100 tents across the former Soviet...

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A Word Became a Reality
A Word Became a Reality

I became an author in November 2018 of my first book the title is ‘Passing the Baton’  the word spoken over me by Kevin & Leslie McNulty had finally come to pass. Four years later, two years of resisting and two years of hard work writing the book.  Well the book...

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