Zeal Blogs

Coming soon Russian digital version

The first translation of Passing the Baton book in Russian. Currently the book in being translated into the Russian language. This is following many request from people when I have ministered in Eastern Europe. The translation should be ready in October. We hope to...

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THE CHOICE IS YOURS - PAPERBACK or DIGITAL Passing the Baton by Peter Ruck is an autobiography of “A true story about a message that takes village boy around the world. The book is available as paperback version printed with colour pictures of the adventure...

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Lockdown Update Blog
Lockdown Update Blog

Firstly, you will see during this lockdown we have been massively updating the website and we would love to hear your feedback on the changes. We know it has been a tough time for everyone and while we have not been able to meet in person, we decided to do Zeal Zoom...

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Zeal Prayer Ministry
Zeal Prayer Ministry

Zeal prayer meetings began in 2008 when Peter Ruck responded to God’s call to be a full time evangelist. We pray for missionaries, evangelists and outreach events around the world. We also pray for the sick or needy and see many miraculous answers. We are a...

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“God wants a relationship with us”
“God wants a relationship with us”

Grace Church - Fanpol, Minsk Belarus. “The morning began with wonderful time of worship and prayer in a traditional Belarussian style with traditional hymns played on the piano. It was the first time I had exprienced quite like this in Belarus it was really a...

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Reboot Conference Minsk Belarus
Reboot Conference Minsk Belarus

Peter Ruck first visited Minsk in 1999 to minister, then served several times at the “Time to Go”  mission schools over a number of years.Peter was excited at the prospect of meeting former students and friends on his return. [gallery size="medium"...

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Brussels Conference
Brussels Conference

We were invited for a three day conference by the Christian Church, Schaerbeek, Brussels. Our host Pastor Petar Petrov welcomed us and introduced us Pastor Gururaj Iyengar and myself Peter Ruck. Telling the folk we had travelled from England and driving from the ferry...

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Songs & Stories
Songs & Stories

The evening began with Nick Mitchell welcoming everyone and introducing the worship team led by their senior leader Graham O’Leary from the Encounter House church. Rev. Roger Gayler from Lambourne Church read Psalm23 before James O’Leary sang a very moving solo. Then,...

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Sometime ago now, actually it was in the summer of 1999. When I was driving through Theydon Bois were I use to live down into Abridge the village where I was born. I was being challenged in my spirit that I have travelled around the world as missionary sharing the...

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