Zeal Blogs

Back in Moscow – “Lunch with a Hungry Bunch”
Back in Moscow – “Lunch with a Hungry Bunch”

It’s Saturday morning and we are on flight bound for Moscow from Krasnodar. We are going to be picked up by our friend Kirill at the airport. Tim and I arrived at the domestic terminal and needed to find our way to International arrivals to meet him. I had two cases...

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IGNITE –  Mission School in Krasnodar.
IGNITE – Mission School in Krasnodar.

We had a morning flight from London to Moscow and a connecting evening flight to Krasnodar in Russia. Tim Grant and myself have been invited to serve in a Mission School in Krasnodar for three days by our friend and colleague Evangelist Andre from ‘Tent 100’. I first...

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Zeal Movie Night
Zeal Movie Night

This was a night of celebration for Zeal a “movie night” to give ALL the glory to God for the wonderful things we have seen HIM do. Whilst the ministry initially first started in 2008. It’s twelve months ago it started to work from its current base here in Brentwood....

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He Cares About One
He Cares About One

"If the Lord Jesus Christ is our Shepherd, then we are safe in his love even as we go through the darkest valley." It’s Sunday morning and I am back here at the House of Joy Church Lulin in Sofia. This is a wonderful church led by Pastor Valdo & Borislava...

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Igniting the Mission Students
Igniting the Mission Students

Peter Ruck was invited with Tim Grant from England to speak in Bulgaria at the “Tent 100” mission schools. Tim and Peter met up at Gatwick with a 4.00am check in for a flight to Sofia. They were arriving after colleagues from Denmark and Estonia who had been serving...

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God’s Ambassadors -the Vine and the branches
God’s Ambassadors -the Vine and the branches

Elim Church Ingatestone Good morning everyone! Remember me, I am Peter Ruck “God’s Ambassador” for Bulgaria, Cambodia, Malaysia, The Jungle and Ingatestone! I really want to focus on Ingatestone! We have “On the Move” coming to this town on Saturday 27th September. I...

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Orang Asli Ministry
Orang Asli Ministry

One little girls miracle changes the destiny of the tribe forever. I have been so looking forward to this mission into Jungle in Malaysia. I first went into the Jungle with my brother in law and his friend Bobby Ho back in 2008. They had been going into the Orang Asli...

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You’re the Only Jesus Some Will Ever See
You’re the Only Jesus Some Will Ever See

Cambodia/Malaysia Mission Update 3 I concluded my ‘FATOS’ (Faithful, Available, Teachable, Obedient Servant) presentation with talking about the fruits of the Spirit. I concluded with Mark 16:20 – “And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with...

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