Zeal Zoom ministry began in January 2021, when I received a zoom link from Pastor Anees Sager to preach to a group of people in a small building in town. I decided on a message to preach “The Goodness of God” sharing scriptures getting people in meeting to read from their Bible’s it gets them involved and cuts the time having to interpret to. I began by sharing Luke 4:18  “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because He did anoint me; to proclaim good new to the poor, Sent me to heal the broken of heart….  I felt a prompting of the Holy Spirit to pray for anyone who is sick. I could visually see God moving on people with blind man seeing and crying out to God, The ladies arm becoming free as she raised her arm above her head, she smiled and looked surprised. Then their was a man who stood up.

Later I received this message from Pastor Anees:- Brother Peter today you shared with people a very good and blessed word, and after your word people expressed great joy that today we have heard a very good word through the servant of God. And received received many spiritual blessings. And when you prayed for the boy and after praying the boy realised what the spirit of God had put in his heart and he testified that through Peter I have received healing and this question Christ has made known to me in the name of Jesus Christ and the Spirit of God and today I am complete with boy of my eyes. I can see and this is a great miracle of God that is done today.

And the second prayer is that the left arm of the woman was not functioning and when you prayed to this woman and through this prayer that arm of this woman is completely healed. Began to work on this woman has expressed that today God has healed me through the pastor’s stone and has put in my heart by the Spirit of God that I can bond with all my people. And thank God that God has given me healing today.