Zeal prayer meetings began in 2008 when Peter Ruck responded to God’s call to be a full time evangelist. We pray for missionaries, evangelists and outreach events around the world. We also pray for the sick or needy and see many miraculous answers. We are a spirit-filled non-denominational group of believers who meet fortnightly. We operate a 24/7 WhatsApp prayer line where requests are posted and prayed for by our prayer warriors. We have a prayer request page the Zeal Outreach Ministries Facebook website www.zealoutreachministies.co.uk

or folk can email


Lockdown – Birth of Weekly Zeal Prayer Nights on Mondays 7:30pm

We continue to receive prayer request through our regular channels. This ZOOM platform allows us to Meet weekly regularly online to pray and encourage one another. We are obviously very focussed on praying for the many needs that arising at this by the COV19 virus.

This platform is administered by Chris Lincoln at the control desk and Peter Ruck. Both are the administrators for WhatsApp prayer line.

To join Zoom Meeting use this link from a tablet, smart phone or computer with microphone and camera use this link:




It is also possible to phone in to the meeting from a normal phone using:

+44 208 080 6591 or

+44 208 080 6592

And Meeting ID: 770 6276 3538 Password: 160274