A word was spoken over me in 2014 that I needed to write a book in Moscow.

My immediate response was “I am to busy traveling, anyway I am not a writer. That seemingly got me off the hook!

Two years later in 2016, I became unwell and could not drive or travel due to an illness. The same couple D’s Kevin and Leslie McNulty contacted me saying we are praying for your recovery in the Tent 100 ministry network of evangelists. Oh Peter, you need to take time out  and rest and get on with writing that book, it will be such an encouragement and hopefully will inspire others.

Whilst in hospital I had four friends come to my bedside telling me I should write a book it seemed like a conspiracy at the time. Well I am thankful to God he restored me. I am back driving after 15 months and recently drove to Belgium to a tent mission. I have been ministering again in the UK. I  am pleased to say I am just checking the last pages of the book inserting pictures. It has taken me two years to get to this stage. I wanted to get Dr Kevin McNulty to read the manuscript and ask him to write the foreward for my book called “Passing the Baton” He agreed to do this when we met recently in Belgium.

The book should be printed and published in October. My plan is to go to the celebration of the commissioning of 100th Tent in Europe at the same as the Tent Nation launch in Daytona Beach USA in November 2018.