Zeal Training

Caring & Sharing

Sharing the Love of God with Us

Caring & Sharing a programme designed by Zeal to bring to people the very basics of sharing your faith. Caring & Sharing is designed to bring confidence to our christian friends who have said “I am shy” I don’t know were to begin!

This is a modular programme very interactive using slides taking people through each step, each session is around 45 minutes. This is a series that can be run over several weeks to the Church or house groups. Alternatively it can be done in a one day session. The whole aim is encourage people to share what they believe with others. The greatest gift God has given us is “Love” it’s the most wonderful gift this will help to share with friends,family, neighbours, work colleagues those people you come into contact with.

I hope after you attended this series you will feel equipped to step out of your comfort zone and share your faith with others.

This is a start for you to go on into other areas in our training programme or possibly attend an organised mission school. The choice is yours our aim is to bring you to the place were you can have a conversation about what you yourself believe. “ We all have a testimony to share of God’s grace in our lives.

Mission School


Training and equipping the church for mission

Seminar Days

Zeal organise seminar days totally focused on outreach and equipping the church to share the Gospel. Zeal work in partnership with other ministries throughout the world in order to host and lead Evangelism conferences. They are often invited to motivational conferences and speaking events to share their ministries.

The reason for all our missionary work is not solely the elevation of people, their education, nor the meeting of their needs, but it is the foremost command of Jesus Christ : “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).” I was so inspired as a young evangelist by the late Dr TL Osborn, especially his message of the importance of being a FATOS* – Faithful, Available, Teachable, Obedient, Spirit-Filled-Servant.

I have a real passion to share the Gospel and teach others. We take our mission school programme into churches for one day, weekends or a whole week, in the UK and also around the world.

We are fully committed to evangelism – it is a responsibility, a privilege and a joy for us, and the church as a whole. Indeed if we are to have a hope of reaching the whole world then each Christian must rise up to the call. But if we’re honest with ourselves, we can find it hard, we are often fearful, and feeling out of our depth. ‘Ingite’ aims to address some of these problems and provide practical and bible based teaching to address this. From the fear that stops, to the tools we need to engage in conversation, ‘Ingite’ will change the DNA of  your church or group.  If you would like more details or to book the ‘Ingite’ team please email us at info@zealoutreachministries.co.uk.


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