Sofia Pranzk hosted and planned this Tent 100 mission here in Shabla. Tim Grant was the main speaker on the opening night.It was planned for Tim and Peter Ruck to rotate between speaking in the tent and village outreach events.

So the second night was Peter in the tent and Tim went off to speak in the village. Peter shared his testimony on a very wet evening more typical English weather. Several others in the team shared their stories like Waldemar, Sofi husband, and others on the team. The worship was led by Villy & Mimi and Racheto sung some typical Bulgarian songs wearing her traditional dress. It was good to see a number responding to the Gospel message and the signs and wonders that followed as people received healing. Peter waited for Tim to return from the villages to hear he an Georgi had a good night to an audience of mainly Muslim’s which was a bit of a surprise for them.

We continue reaching out during the day for the evening events. We always had good conversation and managed to inspire so to come to the tent events in the afternoon for children and the main evening event.

The next evening we rotated again Tim was ministering in the Tent. It was good to hear that the numbers were increasing the “Good News” of the previous evenings was encouraging people to bring family and friends along. The very first night a local police detective had responded to the call for salvation, he was one of the people who had responded to Tim’s word of knowledge to a problem with his hand, apparently his daughter was astounded gasped to see her father hand fully mobile. Lives were being transformed each night body, soul and spirit in the tent.

Meanwhile Waldemar & Sofi took Peter out to a remote village that they had being door to door evangelsim. It must have been quite near the Romanian border because Peter phone was inviting him to except that network. The evening was different for Peter, it had been set up with speaker the idea being people could hear the music and message from within their houses. Racheto sung some traditional Bulgarian songs, before Mimi sung Gospel songs. Sofi and Waldermar each spoke before Peter shared a message of Jesus said, “I am the light of the world”. Peter made an appeal for salvation, invited people to come and collect some free christian literature. Peter said it seemed like he was speaking on the radio, he was surprised in the next ten minutes when two or three cars arrived to collect the material.

The next day Peter would be back in the tent with Tim out at a village with a team. Peter had been asked to speak at the Children’s ministry in the afternoon. He had his old friend “Joe Crow” the gloove puppet to minister to the youngsters. His aim was teach the children to have a personal relationship with God through prayer using the “hand tracts” Peter’s next message was the story of the Lost Sheep. Telling the youngster how special each one of them are to God. It was wonderful to see them respond and pray for God to come into their lives. Mimi & Villy continued teaching them action songs and drawing and colouring christian images. Mimi asked them a really thought provoking question and ask them how they see God and draw a picture!

This was our last night in Shabla Peter was speaking in the tent and Tim was out in a village sharing to group in cafe style environment.
Peter decided to preach a very similar message to the afternoon with the story of the Lost Sheep. The youngster who responded in the afternoon had brought their friends. It was typical of tent mission it was building up each evening new people came along following the previous night when Tim preached. We had a movie clip and testimony time it was good to hear Mimi share you tell she had attended the mission when we were in Blageovgrad. We had another time of traditional songs with Racheto before the gospel message. The response was good for salvation and many responded to the words of knowledge for healing, arms, hand legs, knees shoulders backs, young and old were being touched. It was wonderful to see the Holy Spirit at work. What a wonderful team we were working with such servant hearts it was real pleasure to be part of this mission. It is always hard to say goodbye to everyone. The tent mission would carry on two more nights we were leaving for Sofia in the morning with another eight hour drive ahead the next day.