It was an early morning start Bobby and Fiona collected me on route to the Jungle. We had along drive ahead out of city to village. I was excited to see everyone again.

The Pastor and villagers made us feel so welcome when we arrived. We had a time of fellowship, worship and ministry.
Ida gave me a big smile and a hug. Her daughter Leb who as child had a miraculous healing that had changed the destiny of the tribe was away studying but she sent me a picture of herself now a teenager.

Another Miracle!

God heals a trigger finger – After a mission to the Jungle

Before we left the village, we went with Pastor Suri to get some food supplies nearest town where their was a supermarket, Whilst shopping Fiona asked me to pray for her hand as she couldn’t open it properly.

She said, it felt a little better after I prayed, Then few days later I received this video of her had opening and closing with an excited message saying she had no pain and her hand was better!