We took the Word of God out into the village community in Pakistan partnering Pastor Anees. We had a good mixture of people sat watching the ministry via Zoom on a big white sheet. It is wonderful to see them respond and hear testimonies of people receiving Jesus as their saviour and people sharing how they’ve been physically healed and wanting to share with others.

He said, “My name is Vicky – Amen and I belong to village number 90/6-R and this belongs to the Muslims and I want to share my testimony with you something that I could not see with one eye because I was born like this. I went to different doctors and had my eye treated but all of them told me that your eyes could not be cured. When I found Pastor Anees was performing a healing service in our village. Pastor Anees invited me to join in this worship and I came to this worship with great faith and through Pastor Peter ministry I received the physical healing that I am witnessing today with you all. As Pastor Peter was praying, my eyes were being opened. I felt like someone was operating on me as soon as I did. Shouting in the name of Jesus be healed and I could see. Praise the Lord, Hallelujah. (Vicky pictured with Pastor Anees).