“Praise the Lord oh my soul…

God has given me a Word – (WALL OF FIRE). Immediately the Holy Spirit fell on me…

“For I says the Lord will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be glory in her midst.( Zech 2:5) — context of Jerusalem

Tonight – You Have a Wall of Fire Around You and God’s Glory in the Midst of You This Day! I am protecting you, wrap your faith around the promises of my Word. There is supernatural power in the name of Jesus, my Word and strength are in you!

The Worship led us into High praise and ministry as everyone began to engage in His presence some came forward and danced before God in the Spirit.

Our guest speaker Es Kaitell a former “bouncer” was invited to share his testimony a story of a transformed life and a miraculous healing, after being beaten unconscious, having steal plate in his head and jaw living in constant pain. A man who had vengeance in his heart, and not forgiveness. He was persuaded to go to a church with friends. During the service the minister called out were is the black man with unforgiveness? Es responded from back of the hall going forward and the minister spoke to him the fire of God fell on him he repented and healing of mind body soul. Es is today and Evangelist leading a ministry called Seekers.

A time of ministry followed when many people came forward for prayer and healing.