Wonderful to be back with my “Jungle Family” the Orang Asli tribe in the central peninsular of Malaysia. It is absolutely marvellous to see the way God’s hand has been upon this tribe who live deep in the Rainforest.

The outreach began in 2007 when my dear friends Bobby & Fiona Ho and my brother in law Sunny Ooi and others from their church began to make regular visits. They would bring clothing and food meeting their needs. Whilst on holiday with my wife Judy and my brother in law Sunny urged me to join them. This was in 2008 and were it began for me. God opened up the way  miraculously through a little girl called Leb who had terrible skin diseases who crying and in pain.

I will briefly share how God spoke to me to bring a pint of milk, everyone questioned “why” it was a Word of Knowledge as I was praying to God please help me as “NO”  one had shared the Gospel previously. God was speaking telling me we needed to bring “milk” Little did I know it was to feed a “bear cub” it gave me the opportunity to share the creation story as Ida fed the cub with the milk, she was Leb’s mother. I was left with only women and children to speak to as the men runaway scared of me as I was the first white man they had ever seen. Bobby was interpreting for me I asked if anyone needed prayer, we prayed for Leb at this time really believing God had touched her there were no visible signs other than she was not crying.

“Everyone put you hands together like this as we prayed the Lord’s Prayer especially for Leb and of course the whole tribe”

“This is amazing, seeing them copying you putting there hands together and repeating the prayer with me and you.” Bobby said.

I returned home to England Bobby sent a photo and messages telling me the skin disease had completely gone and she had no more pain!

Then my visit in 2009 the men did not runaway but called out the name Leb to me. It was time for a real breakthrough ten or so men accepted Christ another young man was healed. Subsequent visits God has moved each time. You can see other blogs of previous trips. I was really excited about returning again and contacted Bobby to see if he could arrange a day for me with Pastor Suri for us return. I had planned a message to share from Isaiah using the hand tract whilst at home in England.

The prospect of returning praying with anticipation for a revelation of God’s that the Holy Spirit will use me again as a messenger. We were out with my brother in law Sunny the day before God was speaking to me in my Spirit once more I needed to buy a “mirror” he took me to a mall to buy one, we eventually found exactly the right one it was a heart shaped frame with a mirror inset about 18 inches in diameter. God had planted a scripture in my Spirit “ But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit” 2 Corthinians 3:18.

I made some notes to meditate on here before speaking to the people I intended to let the Holy Spirit lead and gave Bobby the scripture and shared my theme of using the mirror, that’s all.

We should substitute “ reflecting “ for “beholding”  Christians are represented not as persons looking into a mirror, but themselves as mirrors. They who uncover their own souls to the influence of Christ reflect and attain His glory.

The reflection of Christ is not for a moment but should be permanently stamped on them/us so they themselves/we’re. In other words we ourselves are the “MIRROR OF CHRIST” people we will see the reflective image of Christ in us. Just like seeing a reflection in the mirror. Just like we parents train our children, we have to grow in Christ to be more Christ like.

It’s along drive up from Kuala Lumpur, around three hours I was up at 5am Bobby was picking me at the gatehouse with Fiona in his four wheel drive. We had to collect another lady Mylene she is a member of his Church and was coming along to help serve the food  once we arrive in the Jungle. The journey provided the time to catch up on so much that had been happening since my last trip in 2014. The last trip was so fruitful I got to meet Pastor Suri and minister in His Church baptising people together seeing people saved healed and delivered, in the two villages.

We saw many miracles on the last trip the one that last sticks in my mind was the man who had been attacked by a bear who had tore into his foot down to the bone. We had prayed together in his hut it was a ghastly wound, I remember thinking if God doesn’t heal him he will lose his foot or even die. I heard before I left Malaysia he was up and walking two days later. Bobby told me, he and Pastor Suri have both seen him amazingly he hardly has a scare! I was hoping to see  “Halim” myself, but he wasn’t in the village the Orang Asli people are nomadic people. So the news of Leb and other  miracles like this man “Halim”  who was mauled helps to share the Gospel it is being spread through the Jungle villages. Pastor Suri ministry continues to grow because he is an Orang Asli himself.

Bobby shared with me about the building work going on in the village. How Pastor Suri was full time and had another full time worker working with the children. A new headman had been appointed “Batin Atong” he is Ida husband, the ministry has a counsel now to take them forward with Bobby Ho and Pastor Suri in leadership.

You can see God’s hand at work, first Ida feeding the bear cub, the daughter Leb’s miracle leading on seven year later the husband “BatinAtong” becoming the headman.

We made our way into the village slipping and sliding through the mud on the track into the village, it was  quite different buildings were being erected amongst the traditional huts. We pulled up and immediately people converged on us.

Bobby said, “Peter use these footballs to keep everyone amused whilst we set up the food tables”.

It’s amazing how a ball and a smile works! I could recognise so many familiar faces,  the faces I often think of when I pray for this tribe.

Bobby, Fiona and Mylene, soon began to serve everyone food, Rice, meat and vegetable, paper plates and a spoon in their hand they lined up for the food. Followed by coffee and banana cake!

Soon Fiona and Mylene were involved with the children, lovely to see them singing doing actions.

Fiona was teaching them words in English. Then they all prayed the Lord’s Prayer in Malay. I could have stayed watching them Leb was in the front despite her shyness. Bobby was calling me, “Peter come over with me we need you to share”,

It was time for open-air ministry under the trees, this time there were plastic chairs others sat on logs men, women and children nothing formal as they scattered around to listen. Bobby spoke first and then introduced me. “Do you remember Pastor Peter coming before, do you remember how Leb was sick and we prayed?” Bobby said.

The message began by telling them we are bringing more “Good News” as I unwrapped the present I had brought for everyone in the “newspaper” It was a mirror in a heart shaped frame! The heart was to share the love I have for each one of them and more importantly the love Jesus their God has for them. “We all want to be loved don’t we?  “Who wants to be loved” I asked asking them to raise their hands like me.

Bobby read the scripture to them 2 Corthinians 3:18 in Malay of course. I then revealed the mirror to them all passing around so they could see themselves as it reflected their own faces. It immediately brought smiles to many faces they were listening intently by now. Previous occasions they would have chatted amongst themselves. I then began to unpack the message that they themselves could be a reflective image of Jesus Christ when Jesus lives inside them. It was amazing their faces were shinning like bright lights as I asked if they understood. It was truly amazing how far these people had come I know Pastor Suri has baptised a great number over recent years the tribe are growing in their Christian foundation.

Bobby asked if anyone wanted prayer  a few stepped forward first a young man will problem with a chesty cough and breathlessness so we prayed for him. Then a young lady came forward, she had pains in her chest, shoulders and arms. She began to stare at me looking surprised asking her to lift arms as we prayed, she began to smile as she moved. Bobby asked has the pain gone she said yes and walked towards Ida sitting on the log. God had really touched Ramlah she was smiling and looking really happy.

OK Bobby said, “can you walk up the mountain on the Jungle trail I want you pray for an old man who has had a stroke?”

“Let’s give it a go OK”  I replied.

We walk down a hill crossing a ditch, then a steep climb up the other side arriving at the top were there were a number of traditional huts. “I went to the far end stooping down inside to enter the hut it was “Pak Siea” inside. he had a stroke it had effected his left leg and arm especially his hand. I spent along time praying with him and talking to him. I know exactly how frustrated he was feeling having had a stroke myself. I showed him a few exercises to help him with his mobility.

“Pak Siea was one of the first men to make decision to follow Jesus in 2009. I had been looking for him in the settlement all day because previously he had always followed me around on previous visits. I will continue to pray for his healing, he probably needs a more stable diet, but he is not keen on the medics who visited him. He reached forward with his right hand to touch me and smiled as I left.

The three of us trekked back down the trail, suggesting to Pastor Suri he follows up trying to get him to eat better and do exercises to bring more mobility.

It was time to make our farewells, take a few photos before a few more prayers for the future of the village they have plans to build a Church and a school for the children.

We waved goodbye, as they all waved and smiled us we drove out of the settlement.

Our three hour journey home we reflected on what we had seen today, it was a blessing seeing many of tribesman and women clearly having a relationship with God. We talked about

education for the children being a  priority learning them to read and write. The picture Bible is a great tool I brought over in 2009 is used daily. My plan is to send a few more books for the school.

It wonderful to be back on mission, again I have few ministry engagement locally in Brentwood and surrounding areas coming up. Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement  I hope you enjoy this story and the pictures.