God has not called me to merely equal or to exceed the accomplishments of this or that brother. He called me to do my best and to plan for a finished work in whatever part of the field I was placed. It has been a privilege to work alongside my friend Pastor Niyi Ayandokun organising outreach events, and ‘holding the fort” during his vacation. Pastor Niyi gave me a blank canvas to preach on whatever the Holy Spirit laid on my heart. God called me to be a soul winner to the best of my talents. He called me to the ministry to “do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.”

My message on Sunday 21st June.
“Our relationship – depends upon “Love” – our need to be loved,
My theme scripture – Father’s love using Romans 5:8
Paul writes these beautiful profound words “But God demonstrates His own love towards us while we were yet sinners. Christ died for us – His love is unconditional!
I shared a video on the screen entitled “Father’s love letter” so much of this very visual presentation was so summarise the word that I preached.
I had never met the worship leader prior to preaching but the songs and words fitted like a glove once more emphasising the message, and Holy Spirit was leading the service.
I looked up to see a man who I had prayed for in a shopping centre who was in a lot of pain some three weeks before when doing street outreach together with Pastor Niyi. He was smiling at me he was a Sikh, I asked him, “how is the pain in your knee” he replied “much better”.
As an evangelist you don’t always see the people anymore when you minister on the street. It just so happened I was to be at the church this Sunday, we all need encouraging even experienced evangelist.
I pointed to the cross above my head and shared how Jesus had died for us all for our sins and had taken our sickness and diseases into His own body for each one of us here. (John3:16). People responded for salvation and healing. It was good to hear Gloria giving her testimony’s of her healing, and the Sikh man asking, “can I comeback next week, my leg is felling better? “ It was such an encouraging morning for us all. Each person left with a copy of “Father’s love letter”

Sunday 28th June – God’s Ambassador back NTCG Harold Hill.
We began with a time of prayer and worship it was nice to see some new faces again.
The message was centred around I AM how God revealed himself to Moses as “I AM” in Exodus 3:14. I went through each I AM in John’s Gospel how each metaphor elevates Jesus to the level of creator, saviour, redeemer, Lord of all that can only be claimed by a sovereign God.
My message came from John 15 “I AM THE VINE” I wanted to share how God is the vinedresser (gardener). Jesus said I am the vine, you are the branches. Again I used a visual presentation to tell the story of the importance of branches being fruitful – Jesus said, “Abide in Me” and I in you. The fruitful branches, remain and abide in the vine and branches are my disciples, the unfruitful branches are cut off. Sometimes we need to be pruned to become fruitful again.
This was to illustrate the importance of the church and us all to be “attached” to God, through Jesus and to do HIS will and to be fruitful servants by sharing the love of God. (Relationship with God)
I drew a picture of a tree with trunk and branches, asking everyone “what can’t you see” – explaining the tree depended on the roots to give life! We all need to be Rooted in Faith. 2 Colossians 6:7.
Once more, we concluded the service with a time of ministry and people gave testimonies of their healing. It was so encouraging to see the people who God had touched the previous week bring family and friends. (Mark 16:20)