April and May 2022

I prayed to God after Covid where I should go. My spirit was telling I need to go where I first saw miracles which was in the jungle in Malaysia. I immediately was invited to come back. Then I phoned my friend Rev. Frank Lin who was the minis-ter at St Stephen’s in Ipoh where I had seen miracles the last time I was in Malay-sia.
Frank told me, I am no longer the minister but the Chairman of the Fire Gathering meeting. It’s a long story I had a baptism for fire a real encounter when I met Dr Paul Ang. I want to invite you to a Zoom call when I will give my testimony.
Frank had a real baptism of fire, a powerful encounter life-changing. I could resin-ate with him as he was sharing. When he had finished, he asked the moderator of the Zoom if he could introduce me on the Zoom platform. He shared how I visited him in churches in Malaysia and signs and wonders followed my ministry. I shared briefly and was invited by Elder Joshua Tan to visit him and Dr Paul Ang in Singapore.