I was reading this article in a magazine around eighteen months ago in my home. I had just read these pages  when I said, I would really like to meet this Doctor at that moment my glasses broke which meant a visit to spec savers

Ebola Doctor

The pin had come out of the arm of the glasses. Unfortunately my glasses could not be repaired. It meant a eyetest and a conversation with Sally the optician. We talked about my travel and my latest missions.

During our conversation I explained that I was reading an article about a Doctor who was working in Liberia. I was explaining that I had intended to go to Liberia but couldn’t because of Ebola. What an amazing surprise when she declared that’s my best friend Dr Natalie Macdermott. She arranged for Natalie to contact me via email it really gave me have an insight and a understanding of the true situation.

Once more it emphasised how God answers prayers. Ironically I have planned to travel to Liberia four times. Twice the Ebola has prevented us from travelling. Then twice my wife illnesses. God answered my prayers again she was diagnosed with tumour which surprised medical expectations when it was found to be a cyst. We now seeing her making progress from pulmanory hypertension. Now George and I have come to the decision not to go to Liberia, but to  send a container full of Aid and convert the container into a mission school 

Peter & Nathalie

God Answered the prayer last month in Romford I met Natalie in person. God has used her as doctor in Liberia. God is now using her in Billy Graham latest DVD ” Second Chance” when she gives her testimony. It’s really a powerful account of God’s grace. Tonight I have returned from showing a large group of young people in a sports centre.

Natalie then gave a personal account to me how it was Sarah from SpecSavers her college and volleyball friend that had persuaded her to go an Alpha course. It was a special time as we even had time to pray together and for each other. It was blessed time for me because I have used the story of prayer and relationship with our Father who delights answerinng our prayers.