Fan into the Flame the Gift of God.

2 Timothy 1:6

Flame Of Revival

Come and Experience the Lord’s Outpouring with the Ministry to the Sick

Next meeting -Friday 4th October 7.30pm

Evangelist Phil Shaw
Guest Speaker

Pastor lan Moore

“You will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before…..” Joshua 3:4

There is a world of difference between being in the wilderness and finding oneself on an untrodden path. Untrodden paths are exhilarating but also scary, nonetheless they the paths of God’s leading.

lan’s life has been peppered by God-ordained changes in direction, none more so than his call to be a Pentecostal pastor, followed by ministry to gypsies, missions to Romania, prison chaplaincy, a series of missions to India and DR Congo, a call to serve in a Baptist church and more latterly to be invited to be the editor of NCT’s Living Light devotional.

In lan’s own words. “On every occasion, I felt out of my depth, totally inadequate for the task. I have found the ‘untrodden path’ to be pathway of walking with God and receiving His grace and enabling.”








Shake the Nations Ministries
Friday 6th November 7.30pm – Speaker to be confirmed
Friday 6th December 7.30pm – Speaker to be confirmed

Writtle Sports & Social Club
Paradise Road,
Writtle CM1 3HP
Free Parking

Your host Peter Ruck is an ordained evangelist who has seen many signs and wonders in his ministry his contact no is 07778 917775. Gary Wilder leads us into worship as we praise God and seek the presence of the Holy Spirit.

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