It was a privilge to share a message of encouragement with a vision for Evangelism at CGMi Common Impact Church in Dagenham.

Beginning by sharing the message in 1 Thes 1:10 the story of Paul visiting the church. How Paul did not want the Thessalonians or any other group to imitate him to the extent that he followed Christ.

Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” (1 Corth.11:1) Paul said.

The evangelism vision was shared with examples what the Bible says about initiative evangelism.

  1. How Jesus himself took the initiative to come to us.
  2. How Jesus commanded us to go and take the gospel to all people.
  3. The examples in the early church in Acts the Apostles were continually going to the people.
  4. People will never hear unless we go to them.

Finally dealing with some of myths about Evangelism.

Sharing something personal that I have learnt myself and is part of my mission school evangelism presentation from what I learnt myself from

Dr TL Osborn about being a FATOS. -Faithful , Available, Teachable, Obedient, Spirit-filled Servant.  Illustating each one of the points.

Came home myself feeling encouraged myself feeling blessed by the response meeting old and new friends. Glory to God.