God is so faithful – We are His son’s so why wouldn’t HE hear us?

God is so faithful – We are His son’s so why wouldn’t HE hear us?

God is so faithful. He hears our prayers Peter prayed for Sasha back in 2009 then a orphan at 18 lifting him up to God for his future. Peter never knew what became of Sasha. NOW! 2014 they’re reunited Sasha when attends the mission school as a student – Peter came to teach! – Hebrews 11:1-3 Faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen.

A Night of Inspiration & Prayer

A Night of Inspiration & Prayer

Some of the folk who gathered from different Churches and Organisation here in Brentwood. Our focus was to pray for the forthcoming outreach events in our town by different churches working together in Unity. Begin with the Half Marathon starting at Sawyers Church this Sunday. We will work at Brentwood Churches on Good Friday & Easter Saturday to reach out our community. We are God Ambassadors 2 Corth 5 18:20. We meet fortnightly come and join us next time!!

Caring Sharing

Caring Sharing

“Caring & Sharing ” opening night focussed on the importance of prayer when communicating.

The first impression we portray was of key importance having a smile and good eye contact. Being ready to LISTEN and pray for God to lead the way forward. Many people heard “You don’t have to be sophisticated highly educated person to share JESUS. Peter quoted 1 Corth 2: 1-5. The next step forward will be Fri 7th Feb 2014.

Ignite training days plus “Caring & Sharing”

Ignite training days plus “Caring & Sharing”

Ignite training programme, have two new seminar titles – F.A.T.O.S and Fruits of the Spirit.

Ignite training days can be structured to meet peoples and churches needs for instance one day, two or three day events. We have topics to inspire and equip the church in evangelism and mission.

During 2013 these titles were presented in week long Mission schools in Eastern Europe.

Ignite will bring a team together of Evangelist who have the practical experience of working in the UK and in the mission field.

We are launching another new programme called “Caring & Sharing” entry level way of encouraging people to share what Jesus means to them.

Ignite training days plus “Caring & Sharing”

Ignite training days plus “Caring & Sharing”

Ignite training programme, have two new seminar titles – F.A.T.O.S and Fruits of the Spirit.

Ignite training days can be structured to meet peoples and churches needs for instance one day, two or three day events. We have topics to inspire and equip the church in evangelism and mission.

During 2013 these titles were presented in week long Mission schools in Eastern Europe.

Ignite will bring a team together of Evangelist who have the practical experience of working in the UK and in the mission field.

We are launching another new programme called “Caring & Sharing” entry level way of encouraging people to share what Jesus means to them.

Guest Speakers Tim Grant & George Osborn

Guest Speakers Tim Grant & George Osborn

Zeal launch was held at the fellowship hall at Trinity Church Brentwood on Saturday 18th January 2014. Pictured here next to Peter Ruck is Tim Grant they travelled together in Eastern Europe working together at outreach and training events in mission schools. Vince Shepherd from the Bulgarian Christian Church in London. On the extreme right George Osborn, of Lumina Ministries. All three worked together during the Way Festival tent mission.