Sid Thurlow shares his testimony from prison to pulpit

Sid Thurlow shares his testimony from prison to pulpit

Flame of Revival began with a Spirit-filled time of prayer and praise as people engaged in the worship. Our guest speaker Sid Thurlow brought a message illustrated on his PowerPoint.

Beginning with BE TRANSFORMED- (Romans12:2). He shared his early years, as a minister’s son, how he would get in trouble in schoolboy days, leading later into a life of crime and drug addiction that saw him ending up in prison. Sid said, in his captivity “I looked out of my cell at two birds free on railings free fly to off ” He shared how he found Christ, eventually becoming a pastor and now has a programme helping people with different addiction problems.

It was a very moving, he shared SID stands for “strength, integrity and dependable! Truly a story of a transformed life.

The evening ended with a time of prayer and ministry as people responded to “you don’t have to go prison to feel to your in captivity Jesus came to set us free.

Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year celebrations at St.Peter Church Hutton, was orgnansied by Evangelist Tino and a team of Ladies who provided a variety of East Asain food for everyone to enjoy. The afternoon began with a testimony from Kevin Lim who shared a message

“Trust in the Lord “ Proverb 3:5-6.

Kevin from behind the piano spoke and sang this moving story.

Lunch followed with various activities. I was particular interested watching Tino with a brush in his hand writing in Chinese. I asked him to write a message on two pieces of paper so I could share with my Chinese friends around the world a message. Also to tease my blog and social media readers with the same message.

Last night I shared to the Zeal prayer warrior group the answers – Chris has Google and found the answer to one.

Well HERE are the answers for you.

On the left – Jesus love you

On the right – Jesus in Lord.

Happy Chinese New Year……..

Outside freezing Cold -3 WALL OF FIRE Inside

Outside freezing Cold -3 WALL OF FIRE Inside

“Praise the Lord oh my soul…

God has given me a Word – (WALL OF FIRE). Immediately the Holy Spirit fell on me…

“For I says the Lord will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be glory in her midst.( Zech 2:5) — context of Jerusalem

Tonight – You Have a Wall of Fire Around You and God’s Glory in the Midst of You This Day! I am protecting you, wrap your faith around the promises of my Word. There is supernatural power in the name of Jesus, my Word and strength are in you!

The Worship led us into High praise and ministry as everyone began to engage in His presence some came forward and danced before God in the Spirit.

Our guest speaker Es Kaitell a former “bouncer” was invited to share his testimony a story of a transformed life and a miraculous healing, after being beaten unconscious, having steal plate in his head and jaw living in constant pain. A man who had vengeance in his heart, and not forgiveness. He was persuaded to go to a church with friends. During the service the minister called out were is the black man with unforgiveness? Es responded from back of the hall going forward and the minister spoke to him the fire of God fell on him he repented and healing of mind body soul. Es is today and Evangelist leading a ministry called Seekers.

A time of ministry followed when many people came forward for prayer and healing.

Let in us praise Jesus now, We are standing in His presence

Let in us praise Jesus now, We are standing in His presence

God gave some scriptures to share, as we opened and welcomed everyone at Flame of Revival tonight “The LORD looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there is any who understand, any who seek God.”
Psalm 14:2.
Jesus look at us, we need the fire

The Worship took people into us into a time of ministry and people responded to the praise “Let us praise Jesus now, We are standing in His presence…… Hands raised, receiving prayer.

The ministry team prayed with them, before our guest speaker Alan Cass
shared his own testimony, and encouraged everyone to pray with one another.



Jesus we ALL need is your presence

Such a presence as the Flames were flamed at FLAME of REVIVAL as we worshipped God and ministered. Our Guest speaker Pete Bardwell shared and many people were touched by his strory, many had encounters lives were touched during the ministry time that followed.

Wonderful when we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ, and pray for the Holy Spirit to be fully released in our lives.

Do not quench the Spirit

Do not quench the Spirit

“Do not quench the Spirit” 1Thess.5:19 – was the message not to suppress the 🔥fire of God that dwells within us as believers. 

Flame of Revival night of Prayer, Praise, Power and an inspired word from Ian Moore our guest speaker that embraced his testimony from Joshua 3:4.

A time of ministry with the team seeing people needs met with healings that followed🔥🙏