We took to the streets in Harold Hill on Saturday afternoon inviting people to Sunday evening in the diner in the middle of the shopping centre. The Zeal team gave out invites with Healing Bus group with the local host Pastor Niyi. We had opportunities to pray for “healing on the street” this brought several people the following evening.

Sunday evening it was a packed house, the hot chocolate, teas and coffee’s flowed the Carol sheet were distributed around the tables. Everyone was joining in folk from the Zeal team, others from my home church Trinity and Pastor Niyi’s Good News Church sat amongst the people who had responded to our invites.

The Good News of Christ’s birth with readings by members of the Good News Church, Stories were shared. It was a joyful time with moving solo’s, Several testimonies of God’s grace and love. It was “Great working together bringing the Gospel to the community.

Our message was “Love came down at Christmas a gift for everyone, Jesus!”

It’s been wonderful to hear Pastor Niyi has spoken to several people who responded following the evening.