Blagoevgrad is a city in the province of southwestern Bulgaria. It has a “Cross” that is very visible on the top of the mountain side daytime and at night time it is illuminated once seen it never forgotten. This was the second visit to the city. Last year we held a Tent 100 mission school in the Autumn, this was to equip Christian’s in evangelism and mission.

Well here we are in May 2015 holding a tent mission in the centre of town. We were supporting the Bulgarian Tent 100 team, and our colleague Tim Grant had organised a team from Spearhead Ministries in England.

We would be leading teams out on the street to evangelise locally, we would help with children’s ministry each day.

Tim Grant, Sofi Pranczk and Peter Ruck would preach alternative evenings local musicians from various would lead the worship. We saw people respond to the Gospel messages and signs and wonders followed as people received healing and salvation.

Peter Ruck shared the story of “the lost sheep” one evening. Peter’s final evening following our visit to the mountain top. Peter began to pray and felt being led and inspired to preach a message Jesus said, I am the light of the world. During the time Peter was delivering the message we had a rainstorm followed by brilliant sunshine. Peter really felt God’s presence as he shared. When we looked outside the tent we saw a double rainbow in the sky!