Passing the Baton by Peter Ruck is an autobiography of “A true story about a message that takes village boy around the world. The book is available as paperback version printed with colour pictures of the adventure throughout.
“The race of life is like a relay race; the important thing in the race is getting the baton to the finishng line.The baton is the message and each runner’s job is to do the part as God messenger, taking the Good News of the Gospel where He sends them passing the baton.” Peter Ruck Zeal Outreach Ministries.

A digital version is available as an ebook it can be read from your tablet or iPhone/iPad.

“Things to know, places to go and miracles to show will be sparkled within you as you read the challenges that a man on a mission can encounter and overcome. This will help you as you go from stability to success to significance in your life because you have made a choice that God will back up. Enjoy the ride you get in the read” Dr Kevin McNulty.


The Hand tract – Bringing Good News

Love tracts – 6 page handy pocket size

The Way tract – 6 page hand pocket size


See our range of Polo shirts, Tshirts, Sweatshirts, Baseball caps, Facemask.

Zeal Prayer Ministry

Zeal Prayer Ministry

Zeal prayer meetings began in 2008 when Peter Ruck responded to God’s call to be a full time evangelist. We pray for missionaries, evangelists and outreach events around the world. We also pray for the sick or needy and see many miraculous answers. We are a spirit-filled non-denominational group of believers who meet fortnightly. We operate a 24/7 WhatsApp prayer line where requests are posted and prayed for by our prayer warriors. We have a prayer request page the Zeal Outreach Ministries Facebook website

or folk can email

Lockdown – Birth of Weekly Zeal Prayer Nights on Mondays 7:30pm

We continue to receive prayer request through our regular channels. This ZOOM platform allows us to Meet weekly regularly online to pray and encourage one another. We are obviously very focussed on praying for the many needs that arising at this by the COV19 virus.

This platform is administered by Chris Lincoln at the control desk and Peter Ruck. Both are the administrators for WhatsApp prayer line.

To join Zoom Meeting use this link from a tablet, smart phone or computer with microphone and camera use this link:


It is also possible to phone in to the meeting from a normal phone using:

+44 208 080 6591 or

+44 208 080 6592

And Meeting ID: 770 6276 3538 Password: 160274

“God wants a relationship with us”

“God wants a relationship with us”

Grace Church – Fanpol, Minsk Belarus.
“The morning began with wonderful time of worship and prayer in a traditional Belarussian style with traditional hymns played on the piano. It was the first time I had exprienced quite like this in Belarus it was really a spirit-filled time.
It was time to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. I began to share the Good News hand tract how on left hand side was the Lord’s prayer and the Jesus went to the Father and asked what He should pray. (in Luke & Matthew 6:9;13). Then I drew there attention to the right hand with Bible verse Isaiah 49:16 asking them all to look at the right palms as we read the verse to them explaining how God knew each person name and that God wanted a personal relationship with each person. I felt so motivated as each person look so intently.
I asked if they would like to hear story how God had answered a prayer in my life and showed them pictures. Then shared the Great Commission with the church from Matthew 28:18-20. how they had a responsiblity to share with their community. How we are all different God had made this way, so we could make relationship others and invite them to hear about Jesus.
The church had been involved in tent mission last summer, it was good to hear the pastor how it has attracted people who would have not normally attend church. I finished the service with an invitation to receive Jesus as their saviour.
Reboot Conference Minsk Belarus

Reboot Conference Minsk Belarus

Peter Ruck first visited Minsk in 1999 to minister, then served several times at the “Time to Go”  mission schools over a number of years.Peter was excited at the prospect of meeting former students and friends on his return.

The Reboot conference was for evangelists and missionary’s who have passed through the mission schools. Delegates came from various regions of  Belarus and Russia some had travelled over 2000km in a bus.

The team of experienced evangelist missionary leaders were Yauheni Huronvich, Svetlana Novikova from Belarus, Sofi Pranczk, Waldemar Pranczk from Bulgaria, Andre Alexeev and Inna Burmistrova from Russia and Peter Ruck from England.  Each one of the team shared with the delegates over days it was a great time of fellowship we all ate together it was good time of bonding and team building. They enjoyed the practical demonstrations and workshops shared by this experienced team.

An evening  of Question and Answers was very popular with everyone. The Finale was a time of testimonies for the delegates it was good to hear how many of them had caught fire as many shared with us all it was so encouraging.

Brussels Conference

Brussels Conference

We were invited for a three day conference by the Christian Church, Schaerbeek, Brussels. Our host Pastor Petar Petrov welcomed us and introduced us Pastor Gururaj Iyengar and myself Peter Ruck. Telling the folk we had travelled from England and driving from the ferry in Dunkirk to the centre of Brussels.

We came together each session to preach, teach and heal. Each day bringing words of “ENCOURAGEMENT” from day one people had encounters with God.

People were healed and saved the next two days. We had a time of testimonies on the final day it was a wonderful time of ministry. So many people were blessed. I had a special moment seeing a young man making a decision to follow Jesus, his name was Ivan he was learning English and received my book “passing the baton”. I asked do you have a Bible he said No, I planted a seed in his hand to buy a Bible this morning he sent me a picture of him with my book in one hand and a Bible in the other.

Leaving them with challenge of fulfilling the great mission. What and encouraging time Raj and Peter had over this weekend. Came home tired but truly blessed.