Ministry in Malaysia – Signs and Wonders followed

Ministry in Malaysia – Signs and Wonders followed

Healing and Deliverance seminar at St Paul’s PJ Malaysia. It was a privilege to be one of the speakers in the morning session. So blessed to see the response as the Word of God touches people’s lives as is clear from the pictures. The message was well received and many of the delegates brought their friends from the ministry evening. We saw people responding with lines of people wanting to dedicate their lives to Christ and for healing the power of God fell on many people and celebrations followed the revival meeting.
Order my steps to Singapore & Malaysia was my desire

Order my steps to Singapore & Malaysia was my desire

“For I bear witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge” Romans 10:2.

It began with a Zoom call, listening to my friend Rev. Frank Lin testimony. Invitations followed in Singapore first, I met Joshua Tan later that day Ps Paul Ang the author of The Fire Arsenal loved reading it, having had a spirit-filled encounter when we met.

Ps Paul invited me to further meetings in KL hosted by Dato Chua Jui Meng who is the Chairman of the RFM Revival Fire Movement, it was a special time of ministry wonderful to hear the Lion roar within with many church leaders followed by lunch with a time of fellowship.

Returning to my Jungle family where I first saw a Miracle – June 2022

Returning to my Jungle family where I first saw a Miracle – June 2022

It was an early morning start Bobby and Fiona collected me on route to the Jungle. We had along drive ahead out of city to village. I was excited to see everyone again.

The Pastor and villagers made us feel so welcome when we arrived. We had a time of fellowship, worship and ministry.
Ida gave me a big smile and a hug. Her daughter Leb who as child had a miraculous healing that had changed the destiny of the tribe was away studying but she sent me a picture of herself now a teenager.

Another Miracle!

God heals a trigger finger – After a mission to the Jungle

Before we left the village, we went with Pastor Suri to get some food supplies nearest town where their was a supermarket, Whilst shopping Fiona asked me to pray for her hand as she couldn’t open it properly.

She said, it felt a little better after I prayed, Then few days later I received this video of her had opening and closing with an excited message saying she had no pain and her hand was better!

God hand upon on me.

April and May 2022

I prayed to God after Covid where I should go. My spirit was telling I need to go where I first saw miracles which was in the jungle in Malaysia. I immediately was invited to come back. Then I phoned my friend Rev. Frank Lin who was the minis-ter at St Stephen’s in Ipoh where I had seen miracles the last time I was in Malay-sia.
Frank told me, I am no longer the minister but the Chairman of the Fire Gathering meeting. It’s a long story I had a baptism for fire a real encounter when I met Dr Paul Ang. I want to invite you to a Zoom call when I will give my testimony.

Frank had a real baptism of fire, a powerful encounter life-changing. I could resin-ate with him as he was sharing. When he had finished, he asked the moderator of the Zoom if he could introduce me on the Zoom platform. He shared how I visited him in churches in Malaysia and signs and wonders followed my ministry. I shared briefly and was invited by Elder Joshua Tan to visit him and Dr Paul Ang in Singapore.

Coming soon Russian digital version

The first translation of Passing the Baton book in Russian.

Currently the book in being translated into the Russian language. This is following many request from people when I have ministered in Eastern Europe. The translation should be ready in October.

We hope to have the ebook available by the end of the year. This what title will look like!

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