Ministering in Singapore

Looking forward to Singapore and Malaysia
We were looking forward to this mission arriving in Singapore, we had planned to meet Dr. Paul Ang and Joshua Tann. Our meeting began with Joshua taking us for Dim Sum – Chinese breakfast and going on to meet Dr. Paul Ang. Judy had heard so much about him from me.
I had another baptism of fire encounter the previous year when we met in Singapore and again in Malaysia. Dr. Paul KP Ang has published his new book “Transforming Fire”.
He had included a chapter titled ”Fan the Flame the Gift of God”
Telling the story of my encounter. I wanted to get my book signed by him and Judy wanted to be prayed for.
Dr. Paul KP Ang invited me to meet in Malaysia for a Fire Gathering Impartation with many leaders.

Flame of Revival – Pure Gold

Men’s Breakfast in Southend
Men’s Breakfast at Belle-Vue Baptist, Peter Ruck shares his testimony of how the Word of God completely changed his life then a businessman going through many family challenges.
He shared the story of a bottle of milk, and how it led to a miracle in the jungle a child healed, and a tribe becoming Christians.
How this teenager got to read her own story now a healthy young lady who leads worship, pictured with “Passing the Baton” and a Lord’s Prayer tract.