Christ The King Church SUBANG, SELANGOR was our last meeting, we arrived a little early was having a drink in a cafe, when a young man arrived Calvin Raj we instantly embraced each other God had healed him of a speech impediment on my last visit. He was so excited waiting for us to arrive.

Everyone seemed to be sensing with expectation God’s presence as we began to worship.
Praising God, ministering the Word, Holy Spirit was moving people were healed and filled with the Holy Spirit and Fire as God.

Indeed the Worship leader had and encounter with Holy Spirit. Calvin Raj has was slain and baptised in the spirit. Both Frank Lin and myself began to minister with signs and wonders following as so many were touched by the Holy Spirit. So many families came forward our wives came forward to help praying,

What an amazing meeting this morning as we reflect on the Goodness of God together afterwards over lunch . Such blessing to me my dear friend Rev.Frank Lin and our dear wives
Glory to God🙌❤️🕊️🔥🙏

Praise the Lord for all HE has done

Praise the Lord for all HE has done

We started early in the morning I stayed with my friend Bobby Ho knowing we had to visit two villages which are 70 miles apart. Pastor Suri and the tribes Headman wanted to appoint an assistant pastor because the ministry has grown so much.

They particular wanted me to minister as I had been with Bobby and the beginning of the tribes Christian journey.

It was a time of celebration, sharing the Word brought many came forward for salvation, He was slain in the spirit. The power of God fell on the new Assistant pastor Dabot he slain in spirit and fire. Wonderful to see God touch him, a member of tribe becoming a minister amongst his own people.

We saw God doing wonderful healing miracles amongst young children, deliverance from bondages being set free.

Romania Mission April 2024

Romania Mission April 2024

God is so good, so grateful to share the Good News of Jesus Christ as a team in two different locations . People received Salvation, people were baptised in Water, others were baptised in the Holy Spirit 🕊️🔥it was time of signs and wonders and healing🙌

We are so grateful to our Host Pastor Theo and Pastor Dan in Rucar. Blessed time being part of a three man team from England Evangelist Liviu Cristescu, Pastor Obi and myself.

Word’s that sparked the fire – April 2024

Word’s that sparked the fire – April 2024

Word’s that sparked the fire – April 2024

Flame of Revival, a night of power praise and worship, testimony, healing. Words on the screen that “sparked” and triggered the message that Peter shared as the fire began to fall 🔥 as people had encounters with God! People were so happy in the presence of God staying on fellowship together sharing with one another.