On the Move Street BBQ Outreach

On the Move Street BBQ Outreach

On the Move in Brentwood is when people from churches come together to serve the community. Lives were touched again over these three days at the end of June “healing on the street” others responded to the Gospel message and made a commitment to follow Jesus. God’s Word says were there is unity we will see blessings.

We served passers by with BBQ Hot dogs with onions, Burgers in buns and one special ingreidient a double portion of the love of Jesus! We have team serving the food, others as table host who share the message of God’s love.

A team on the pavements inviting people with gospel tracts and inviting folk to have some free food and sit and listen to the Gospel bands playing great music.

Zeal Prayer Nights

Zeal Prayer Nights

Zeal prayer nights are held fortnightly throughout the year. This was a wonderful evening of prayer glorifying God’s amazing grace. Emily Dube Mapfuwa joined us shared her testimony and her work in Africa as everyone prayed for this work. We shared together and prayed together for the work going on in prisons for other missions around the world, especially our brother Peter Brown’s work locally. We prayed for healing for many individuals needs for our requests. Then focussing on outreach more locally with Athletes in Action, On the Move & Ignite programme and The Way Festival.In particular for the body of Christ to come together in Unity of Spirit and purpose to reach out in our community and beyond. Pictured are some of the team from this night in June. Watch our diary for these night, we begin at 7.30pm with teas and coffees, this a totally non denomination group of spirit filled believers come and join us.

Blagoevgrad Tent Mission

Blagoevgrad Tent Mission

Blagoevgrad is a city in the province of southwestern Bulgaria. It has a “Cross” that is very visible on the top of the mountain side daytime and at night time it is illuminated once seen it never forgotten. This was the second visit to the city. Last year we held a Tent 100 mission school in the Autumn, this was to equip Christian’s in evangelism and mission.

Well here we are in May 2015 holding a tent mission in the centre of town. We were supporting the Bulgarian Tent 100 team, and our colleague Tim Grant had organised a team from Spearhead Ministries in England.

We would be leading teams out on the street to evangelise locally, we would help with children’s ministry each day.

Tim Grant, Sofi Pranczk and Peter Ruck would preach alternative evenings local musicians from various would lead the worship. We saw people respond to the Gospel messages and signs and wonders followed as people received healing and salvation.

Peter Ruck shared the story of “the lost sheep” one evening. Peter’s final evening following our visit to the mountain top. Peter began to pray and felt being led and inspired to preach a message Jesus said, I am the light of the world. During the time Peter was delivering the message we had a rainstorm followed by brilliant sunshine. Peter really felt God’s presence as he shared. When we looked outside the tent we saw a double rainbow in the sky!

God Cares About You

God Cares About You

I met Pastor Ovidiu Filimon just before I was about to travel to Moscow. He surprised me when he was working he told me was leading a Romanian Church in Barking, Essex called Beserica Pentecostal Church in Barking.

He invited me to preach when I returned. I took my friend and co worker in Zeal Peter Brown to speak share with me. We both really enjoy a warm welcome from Pastor Ovidiu and his worship team and a guest from Romanian who played the traditional instrument.

My message was focussed on Psalm 23 which led into sharing “the story of the lost sheep” then into the Gospel message which saw people responding, signs and wonders followed as God touch people “Body, Soul and Spirit. (This message can be found as Utube in the ministry section)

Evangelist Conference in Russia – The finale to the trip

Evangelist Conference in Russia – The finale to the trip

Drs Kevin and Leslie McNulty hosted the 15th annual Eurasian Evangelists’ Conference with delegates from regions and nations such as Buryatia, Bulgaria, Estonia, England, Siberia, Krasnodar, Belarus, and many more. As the evangelists who are with us are from all around Eurasia, there are also some from Ukraine, and given the current political climate in the area, this has caused some complications.

We found that getting our visa for this trip was more difficult, as it took several weeks to make sure we presented everything properly, so we employed an agency to do this for us. We spent a day in London completing all the requirements, which included getting biometric fingerprints.

This was the third conference I have attended, and I was in England in 1998 when Dr TL Osborn brought Kevin and Leslie with him to launch this vision to have 100 tents with Evangelists taking the Gospel all over Eurasia and the former Soviet Union. The McNultys worked with TL Osborn for sixteen years, organising his worldwide ministry and this link is so evident when you listen to both of them.

In 1999, I experienced my first Tent Mission with TL Osborn as the main speaker. I have to say, it was an inspiration to listen to him teaching and preaching. Personally, I have been so influenced by his ministry and during that tent mission in England, the first seeds were sown for two tents for Eurasia. And at that time, Kevin and Leslie were commissioned to start the Tent 100 project.

I feel such a part of Tent 100. My friend (or ‘druk’) Yauheni Hurinovich from Belarus encouraged me to come to my first conference in 2011 and it was there that I met up with Kevin and Leslie again. The fellowship and teaching was amazing and I was inspired as I spent time with Kevin, bringing me a new level of confidence. I always knew God had a plan for me, and that I just needed to make the next step. So I began to work with other Evangelists around Eurasia.

The next year I was back again, and I took my friend Tim Grant with me. I knew he would enjoy the teaching and fellowship and it was after this conference that we began travelling together, teaching in mission schools and working together on Tent Missions, linking up with Sofi from Bulgaria and Yauheni and team from Belarus for a Tent Mission in England. The next year we missed because of issues in Moscow. So that’s the background to my involvement in the Tent 100 project…

I have just returned from the latest conference. I have to say that I was blessed, challenged and inspired this week! There was wonderful teaching from Kevin and Leslie – practical in every sense of the word! The words TL Osborn spoke when I first heard him, “You’re the only Jesus some will ever see” were echoed when Kevin began his first session by saying “It’s all about the resurrection life with in you.” The greatest revelation we can have is to walk in His life! Most preaching is on faith: faith is not a problem if we can see Jesus reigning in us.

For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, and my speech and my message were not plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that you faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but the power of God (1 Corinthians 2:2-5)

Kevin McNulty carried on by asking, “What is ministry all about?” Jesus said, “If I be lifted up I will draw all men to me.” It is Jesus that is within us – we’re in the right soil! Christ in me gives me the voice of victory. God is not concerned about other religions nor should we because we are the ones with His life within.

“Don’t put a crutch on, when you have Christ within you, have everything you need,” Kevin exhorted us. Stand fast, even though the enemy of your soul wants to say that you can’t!

Everyday we were blessed like this, and even now when I am reading and meditating on the notes I took from his teaching, it is challenging and so inspiring.

Dr Leslie McNulty followed her husband, and she came to us with a very topical subject. She is very prophetic in her ministry, is quite a strategist and presents everything from a very biblical base.

When Leslie began her talk, it was about the things we are seeing currently around the world, including power moves by government and terrorist activities. She went straight to the Bible and shared Psalm 75 with us and shared how God has spoken to her through this scripture.

On Tuesday through to Saturday, we began every session with worship – Olga normally led this and various evangelists would lead prayer. Each one of us had a chance to share during the week and encourage the others present. We would start around 9.30am and finish around 9.30pm. It was great to be able to fellowship and share with the evangelists and encourage some of the younger ones who had come as students. Lunch and coffee breaks gave us plenty of opportunities for sharing!

Our students from Krasnodar brought Tim and me people to pray for during the week: four received Jesus, and we prayed for healing for several others.

On the last night when Kevin was preaching on miracles, one of the students responded when Kevin asked if anyone had a testimony. It was not what anyone was expecting as she raised her hand. She had her mobile held up in her hand and she said, “I have a testimony from a lady in Cyprus and two more from people in Russia.”

She was connected to them via Skype: they had heard God’s Word via Skype when Kevin was speaking and we heard their voices testify via the mobile phone. I was amazed as I listened!

It was a full-on schedule for us for twelve days. It began with teaching in a mission school in Krasnodar, and a spontaneous session in Moscow. The Evangelist Conference was such a real blessing and encouragement with wonderful fellowship. I was challenged! It was my birthday in the middle of the conference and I witnessed such genuine love and unity from everyone. I travelled with Tim Grant again and we’re already planning future events in Bulgaria and England. I returned home really stirred up spiritually, but with a rather exhausted body!