Tent & Village Mission in Shabla

Tent & Village Mission in Shabla

Sofia Pranzk hosted and planned this Tent 100 mission here in Shabla. Tim Grant was the main speaker on the opening night.It was planned for Tim and Peter Ruck to rotate between speaking in the tent and village outreach events.

So the second night was Peter in the tent and Tim went off to speak in the village. Peter shared his testimony on a very wet evening more typical English weather. Several others in the team shared their stories like Waldemar, Sofi husband, and others on the team. The worship was led by Villy & Mimi and Racheto sung some typical Bulgarian songs wearing her traditional dress. It was good to see a number responding to the Gospel message and the signs and wonders that followed as people received healing. Peter waited for Tim to return from the villages to hear he an Georgi had a good night to an audience of mainly Muslim’s which was a bit of a surprise for them.

We continue reaching out during the day for the evening events. We always had good conversation and managed to inspire so to come to the tent events in the afternoon for children and the main evening event.

The next evening we rotated again Tim was ministering in the Tent. It was good to hear that the numbers were increasing the “Good News” of the previous evenings was encouraging people to bring family and friends along. The very first night a local police detective had responded to the call for salvation, he was one of the people who had responded to Tim’s word of knowledge to a problem with his hand, apparently his daughter was astounded gasped to see her father hand fully mobile. Lives were being transformed each night body, soul and spirit in the tent.

Meanwhile Waldemar & Sofi took Peter out to a remote village that they had being door to door evangelsim. It must have been quite near the Romanian border because Peter phone was inviting him to except that network. The evening was different for Peter, it had been set up with speaker the idea being people could hear the music and message from within their houses. Racheto sung some traditional Bulgarian songs, before Mimi sung Gospel songs. Sofi and Waldermar each spoke before Peter shared a message of Jesus said, “I am the light of the world”. Peter made an appeal for salvation, invited people to come and collect some free christian literature. Peter said it seemed like he was speaking on the radio, he was surprised in the next ten minutes when two or three cars arrived to collect the material.

The next day Peter would be back in the tent with Tim out at a village with a team. Peter had been asked to speak at the Children’s ministry in the afternoon. He had his old friend “Joe Crow” the gloove puppet to minister to the youngsters. His aim was teach the children to have a personal relationship with God through prayer using the “hand tracts” Peter’s next message was the story of the Lost Sheep. Telling the youngster how special each one of them are to God. It was wonderful to see them respond and pray for God to come into their lives. Mimi & Villy continued teaching them action songs and drawing and colouring christian images. Mimi asked them a really thought provoking question and ask them how they see God and draw a picture!

This was our last night in Shabla Peter was speaking in the tent and Tim was out in a village sharing to group in cafe style environment.
Peter decided to preach a very similar message to the afternoon with the story of the Lost Sheep. The youngster who responded in the afternoon had brought their friends. It was typical of tent mission it was building up each evening new people came along following the previous night when Tim preached. We had a movie clip and testimony time it was good to hear Mimi share you tell she had attended the mission when we were in Blageovgrad. We had another time of traditional songs with Racheto before the gospel message. The response was good for salvation and many responded to the words of knowledge for healing, arms, hand legs, knees shoulders backs, young and old were being touched. It was wonderful to see the Holy Spirit at work. What a wonderful team we were working with such servant hearts it was real pleasure to be part of this mission. It is always hard to say goodbye to everyone. The tent mission would carry on two more nights we were leaving for Sofia in the morning with another eight hour drive ahead the next day.

Mission School fruit in Bulgaria

Mission School fruit in Bulgaria

What a privilege to see God’s Plan at work. Two years ago Peter Ruck with Tim Grant were invited from the UK to serve in the mission school in Bankya, near Sofia. Sofia Pranczk organised the mission school for students who were mainly from Bulgaria others came from other Eastern European countries. It was well supported by students and exprienced missionary/evangelist from Estonia, Belarus, Russia Bulgaria, UK all working in the Tent 100 network.

What was so special seeing these first three people responded to the Gospel was being able to take them to see Julia & Chaftra who would be able to disciple them as new converts. It was so evident this couple had a passion for the people of Shabla as others received Jesus during the tent mission. Immediately they were available to make a relationship with the local people.

This couple have moved right across from one side of the country to the other given up jobs to take up their calling with little or no support. If you feel you would like to support them you can email me at info@zealoutreachministries.co.ok. So encouraging to see God’s plan being revealed. Can you spot them on the front row of the classroom?

The beginning of 10day & 2000 mile Mission in Bulgaria

The beginning of 10day & 2000 mile Mission in Bulgaria

It began with 3am start from Brentwood Peter meeting his missionary/evangelist colleague Tim Grant at Gatwick Airport. Peter encountered fog as he left home, lane closures at the crossing on the M25. What was even more unexpected was traffic congestion just after 4am approaching the airport immediately he left M23. Tim was calling Peter to find out why he was delayed. They had to rush to the gate just as it was about to close bound for Sofia.

On arrival they collected Tim’s car and made our way to his house just outside Plovidiv. They returned back to Plovdiv itself for an evening with a Church that Tim had been visiting on his regular trips. Tim asked Peter to share with him during a seminar on Evangelism. It was good to see the people’s enthusiasm as we spoke. It was a good evening finishing around 10pm as they headed back to Tim’s house to find our beds to end a very long day.

The next morning we calculate our destination to Shabla on the coastline of North Bulgaria on the Black Sea was around eight hours. We had coffee and a pastry while we filled up with fuel. We decided to stop for lunch after four hours and have a break for a couple hours meeting up with a English missionary Rob Johnson and his wife. Tim has worked with them over a number of years. We enjoyed a great time of fellowship over our favourite plates of Shopska Salad!

We then set off again for our next destination Shabla to join the Tent 100 team led by Sofia Pranczk. It was good to meet up with the team many of them we’ve worked with over the last few years. Then to our final destination to our apartment in Kavarna another 25 miles way were we would stay and travel to the tent each day.

Our first two days were outreach days Tim & I led these days with inspiration talks and prayers with the teams. Stanvea Georgi organised the programme, he immediately separated us to work in different areas. Tim worked with the talented Villy who interpreted for him, he went with a team to a village, were Tim was going to speak in a few days in the open air.

Georgi wanted me to work with him with Mimi as my interpreter, she has amazing talents playing the guitar and singing too. His plan was visit the houses in the roads opposite the tent.

Shouting the Gospel in the streets

This is how we began “ Hello I am Peter from England, I have Good News. can I tell you?”  Dear Mimi would shout what Peter said in Bulgaria. We got the signal to come in with a wave. Simple shared the love of Jesus with the first man sitting on the step. We invited him to the tent, he replied I can’t stand or walk. Peter began to put his hands on his knees when he prayed. The man said, my knees have become hot as he stood, Mimi played her guitar and sung to him bringing a big smile to his face. Georgi repeated the invitation to come to the tent.

We walked down the road further using the same pattern.  We came to a house with a long garden, the same shout first in English then in Bulgarian. Our team of five were invited to come down the garden. What an amazing welcome we received to sit down around the garden table. Mimi began to play and sing. The lady of the house disappeared bring us a big plate of sliced water melon, then off again to get bread and homemade goats cheese and cups of water.

We sat with them telling quite simply that Jesus loved and cared for them. Then Peter invited Georgi to share his testimony how God had turned his life around. Peter then used the paper tear revealing the cross as Peter shared his testimony. It was so evident that the Holy Spirit was at work, as the the husband, wife and mother made a commitment to follow Jesus. It was so wonderful to see that love, joy and peace come into there whole being they became radiant. We celebrated with them as Mimi sang  “Amazing Grace.”

Peter was so excited he wanted to have his picture taken with them, they kept asking can you come back again. This was when Peter got a big surprise when Peter saw the man had only got one leg. Especially as the man kept saying I can really feel God’s love. We wanted to invite them to the tent however the Mum and Wife were going away for a few days.

We promised them we would return and bring a couple who served as missionaries here in Shabla. That lunch time back at the tent it was wonderful to hear the testimonies from Tim and his team and Peter & Georgi’s team of the three people making a commit to follow Jesus. Two ladies in the team had made a pot food for everyone with bread this would be the pattern each day.

The next days we would be in the town square with the team this Tim and I would work together.

Opening night Mimi & Villy led the worship followed by testimonies from members of the Bulgarian team. Tim Grant was the main speaker it was good to see the first people respond to the gospel and one or two get a healing touch on the first night.

Why and How we Share Our Faith

Why and How we Share Our Faith

Brentwood Vineyard – August 2015

Immediately following the The Way Festival, I received an invitation from Pastor Lukas Roos Senior Pastor of Brentwood Vineyard Church who had attended the tent.

Lukas gave me a theme to share “Why & How we share our faith”. I had shared with him about some of the Zeal teaching modules like “Caring Sharing” earlier in the year.

It was a real privilege to speak on this theme over two weeks. The first week was to be on “WHY” I did this by emphasizing the Love of God. The importance of the new commandments. The great commission. I illustrated five points to “Why” with biblical references. I also showed a thought prevoking utube clip of “people downing” it was published originally by the salvation army.

No 5 was to tell everyone God had given each one of us a testimony. That each one of us are special in God eyes and he has given us a testimony to share.
My return visit was to share “HOW” this we I began with a favourite movie clip of mine you’ll find permanently on my website “ Go and make disciples”. Then “Caring Sharing” using a selection of slides from modules one and two. These are confidence building modules with the intention of taking the “fear” out of sharing your faith. Maybe for some it was a revelation to hear 80% of our communication is body language. So the smiles practice was on our agenda! The word evangelism often brings a follow up of “I can’t”, so we substituted this with “Caring & Sharing” it brings a much more acceptable response! We finished the morning with a short testimony using “Tear & Share” which the whole church got involved in.

My goal was to leave folk, with this in their hearts and minds. I do care about people. I can share God love. I will share with some of the tracts we’ve been given! I am praying the seeds sown with be shared.

Why & How we share our faith

The Way Festival 2015

The Way Festival 2015

In 2013 the Way Festival saw several hundred people hear vibrant presentations of the Gospel & many people touched by the Father’s love & power. Peter Ruck with steering group of Alan Cass, Jem Trehern, Gary Seithel, Chris Lincoln and Tony Tuffnell got together to rekindle the flame of mission this summer, and give opportunity for gifted evangelists to encourage, equip us and share the Good News. The team approached local churches  to be a part of this tent mission from 19-26 July and declare the truth about Jesus Christ and what HE means to you.

Changing lives and hearts through the preaching of the Gospel and demonstrating His Kingdom. We see evidence of His work breaking out all over! As we step out in faith in response to the great commission to “Go in to all the world & preach the gospel” We’ve seen the truth of “The Lord working with them and confirming the Word with signs and wonders following”. Mark 16:15 & 20.

We invited spirit filled live bands each evening representing ministeries from Chemsford,  East London, Southend , Bristol, Romford.
We had special Youth, Ladies & Men’s events which including boxing ring testimony by Jimmy Tibbs.

This was a six day event in a “BIG TOP” events like this take a lot of organising physically putting up the tent thankful my colleague Tim Grant owns and has the experience of errecting these tents.

We took to the street with leaflets designed to look like a tent, we had many interesting encounters inviting people.  One noteable one was a lady who came from  a distance in Kent.  She said, she was interested but truthfully we had expected to see her. It just showed how important street outreach is she came and her four teenagers came to make a decision to receive Jesus.  In fact this family came every night and brought other members of the family.

We displayed banners with partnering churches, put up posters in pet shops, fish and chip shops.

We were focussed on getting the message out there for the event. This included Peter Ruck and Anna Trehern appearing on SKY Ben TV you can see this in our Photo & Video file, Tim Grant & Peter Ruck appeared on Pheonix Radio promoting the event we used many forms media to reach out. The Way Festival had its own facebook page and website www.thewayfestival.com they’re live so can pick up on events still.

You can still see accounts and photos of George Osborn speaking,  Tim Grant, Peter Ruck. Kalbi Massey and others at the Ladies events and Jimmy Tibbs at the men’s event. on this media.

Gary Seithell one of the steering group leaders forwarded this short report to some local ministries:

Praise to the Father for the Way Festival – There was a lovely sense of God’s presence/ wonderful worship/ and many churches represented.

The theme seemed to be “The God of the Unexpected!’ Mary & her friend wanted to hear Jimmy Tibbs – a top boxing trainer from the East End of London- talk about his life and faith.  Mary had known the family years ago & her neighbours invited them. This was a men’s breakfast!  We hoped some men would respond… but both of these older ladies prayed to receive Christ at the end! They then asked about God healing today.  Mary had fallen and hurt her back badly.  Peter & I prayed for her … she tested it & it was fine! Her friend said “Pray for ME! I have breathing problems” As we prayed her breathing became easier & both of them continue to grow in grace.

Another unexpected outcome was a flyer Peter gave to a woman from Kent…she said “I’ll be coming to that!”  Peter admits his thoughts were more “I’ll never see her there.” The surprise was when she did come & bring her four children. Then her brother  came as well almost every night!   It turns out Margaret had recently lost her husband & needed the prayers & encouragement.  Her son Tommy rededicated his life to Christ.  The three younger ones all gave their lives to Jesus for the first time!  Her brother Larry felt the “time is now” to get his life recommitted to Christ.

Every night some came to Christ for the first time, others rededicated their lives, and others came forward for prayer where the Father did amazing things!  Bernadette hasn’t been able to kneel for decades.. now has no pain or stiffness in her knees!  Alan had back pain & it has been completely fine since receiving prayer at the festival.   We heard testimonies of people who’s acid reflux was completely better,  of depression that has lifted, of a deeper sense of confidence in God.  Nicki gave testimony of her knees and arm being healed and instead of discouragement depression & anxiety a new peace in her heart from Christ. Please pray for those who have come to Christ and seen answers to prayer to continue to grow in their faith and walk of discipleship. (Gary Seithel).

We continue to hear testimonies and stories of how God touched lives, these are still filtering through weeks later. The Way Festival brings tremendous unity blessings to those who get involved – just want to say thank you!