My God How Great Thou Art
Liberty Pentecostal Church – Peter Ruck, August 2016.
We arrived at Roding Valley Community Hall in Buckhurst Hill for the service. I had been invited by Pastor Paul Gardiner to come and speak I had shared the Word at his previous ministry a couple of times. Paul called me midweek to say “ Peter are you sure you want come I know numbers will be low with holidays, less than half. I have no music team?” My reply was God cares about one! I have planned a message that I believe He wants me to share.
What I hadn’t expected was Pastor Paul was leading the worship. It was wonderful as everyone opened their hearts in worship. I began to feel the Holy Spirit presence. Then just before I was due to share my message we began to sing, “How great thou art” the tears were come down my cheeks. The unexpected happened God’s Holy Spirit was leading me to share a different start to the morning. My wife Judy was with me and friends Peter & Eve Brown who drove us to the service.
I began by sharing “ My God how great thou art”. I just had to begin by giving “Glory to God”. Singing this song was so special to my wife Judy and I we had this song when we got married nineteen years ago. This year has been the most unexpected chapter in our lives. I came home after preaching to hundreds every night for two weeks in Bulgaria. Straight to the hospital were my wife was having a consultation. She had many tests; she was been investigated for Breathlessness. During the many examinations a mass was seen attached to her pancreas. This was so unexpected. Fortunately we had private medicine she was being sent for a “Pet scan” in Harley Street, London. She was to into a MRI scanner and has a radioactive die injected which was going to determine the mass/tumor. It was quite an ordeal I have to leave her when the die was injected. She was offered a selection of music to listen nothing she could find suitable to listen that she said was either heavy rock or music from the Middle East. So she decided she would sing to herself instead. This took about an hour my car was parked a long distance away so I walked to collect the car. So Judy didn’t have to walk, she was still breathless and exhausted. My mobile needed charging so I plugged it into the USB music immediately began to play “How great thou art” such as a surprise I hadn’t programmed it just came out of the speakers. It brought an immediate peace I just had to share this with Judy when I collected her. I knew God was in control, I had such a peace I didn’t believe this was a tumor. I collected Judy from the Harley Street clinic; I just had to tell her about the song. She told me she had been singing “My God how great thou art “ all the time she was in the scanner. We now had to wait for the results and the doctors to meet for the way forward.
This resulted in us meeting a one of London top pancreatic surgeons who told us the scan had revealed a solid mass/tumor that needed to be removed. Our dear friend Joseph a retired surgeon was with Judy and me as gave us the news. I just had to say “ Are you sure this is not a cyst” He replied Peter this is a tumor we will not know what kind until it is removed it needs to come out. We agreed and arranged for Judy to have the surgery on Saturday morning.
It was Saturday morning; we met to pray before the operation with our friends Joseph & Sarah and niece Tessmin. I went down in the lift with Judy to the theatre door. The surgeon had promised to ring me once the operation had been completed. It was time to wait and go for coffee. I had been reading my daily “My spirit remains among you; do not fear! The battle is not yours but God’s 2 Chron.20: 15.
I felt a strong desire to be in a Church to pray, we came out of the coffee shop there was a big church right in front of us. It was Southwark Cathedral we managed to persuade to let us in the back of the Cathedral as a service was going on it was high Anglican with a Bishop leading “ The Lord’s Prayer” was being chanted the incense was wafting as smoke drifting in the atmosphere. I had such a sense of peace as we waited for the phone call.
Eventually we received the call to say the tumor had been removed successfully and Judy is the recovery room, the surgeon told me she will be transferred to ICU in around twenty minutes. Well it was now thirty minutes and we hadn’t heard anymore. I was sensing something was not right and asked reception to check ICU again. I said something is not right let’s all pray “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit. Pray with ceasing” I Thess. 5:17. The surgeon called me again twenty-five minutes after the initial call, telling me he was coming down to talk to me. He was told me her heart had stopped twice when the drip put more painkillers into her system. She was all right now and he would take us into ICU to see her. Bless her she had pipes everywhere and managed a smile! The next day I visited the doctors and the anthesistis were telling Judy her heart had stopped twice but restarted before the need of the crash team. The anthesistis said I know you all pray, our prayers were answered.
Judy was making a good recovery and was asking the surgeon for a room with a view overlooking the Thames, London Bridge and St.Pauls, her prayers were answered. She had another setback her portal vein became blocked by a clot. Miraculously whilst having a few set backs her portal vein became completely clear. Then eleven days later after the surgery the report came back the mass that was removed was a cyst! No cancer, her pancreas was working normally. Glory to God – How great thou art. She was home for Christmas, on our way home, I said, “Judy this would make a good chapter for a book”.
After Christmas we had another crisis, Judy was so breathless we had to call ambulance and she was admitted into hospital. This was the original problem before investigation when the mass was found she was not getting better, I was getting more concerned. I went to “The Father” in prayer “Lord send us to a Doctor, who understands the problem”. We knew there was a specialist unit at the Royal Free Hospital I began to read about this specialist unit for Pulmonary Hypertension and search the website. I saw the picture of one of the consultants Dr. Benjamin Schreiber. I knew we had get her to be referred to the hospital, one of consultants from our local hospital arranged for Judy to be transferred by ambulance as day case for investigation, He was the first person we saw at the reception desk, I could see God was answering our prayers.
He organized all the tests and came back to us saying you are a sick lady. I want to keep you in our specialist unit, she was in hospital for another two weeks in the national Centre now its founder and director want to us Judy as medical case study because of the amazing she has responded. She told you there are one vital ingredient I have God looking after me too. I am so pleased she is here with me today, I just wanted give God all the Glory this morning.
Today I am standing here in front of you. I am feeling truly blessed “My God how great thou art”. I had a stroke at the end of March; it was a total shock for me I believed I was reasonably fit, strong with plenty of stamina. Well at the end of March the storm hit me and I came crashing down twice in a week. The second time I was admitted and spent twelve days is hospital. I was diagnosed as having a stroke, I knew and had complete faith in God my life is eternal because of Jesus! “Praise God” I still have my voice and full use of my limbs. I just love to share the love of Jesus with everyone I meet “ God cares about you today” It’s all about Jesus! I have been sitting down in the garden writing this message. Whilst I was reading the scripture the Word began speaking to me. The message was challenging me. I want to begin by asking you these questions.
Who do you depend upon? Who has the answers to life’s questions?
The Why’s – Life and Death – The Cross – Eternal Life! Jesus!
If you understand the “Why” you will have a better chance of diffusing crisis, storms that shake us when then inevitably come! These situations are real, bringing uncertainty and fear into our lives. The enemy of our soul operates to shake us, none of us are exempt from these attacks the devil is an artful predator just waiting for every opportunity.
Believe me none of us are exempt. He is waiting to pounce it could be sickness, financial or in our relationships he is the master of bringing doubts and fear putting up barriers and snares to take us away from the path we should be taking.
Friends Christianity is bogged down we endless theological traditions. I meet with people who want poo – poo “Miracles” some are ministers they want to tell me that this only happened when Jesus and the disciples walked the earth. This is a lie, God never lies!
Jesus in HOLY! Jesus is our HEALER he is with us today! REMEMBER THE CROSS-.
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world, but to save the world through him.
(John 3:16-17).
Today do you have a sure witness in you spirit that your faith in Jesus Christ is your saviour? The Lord gives you this lifetime guarantee of your eternal destiny will be with God.
The Bible is our touchstone, we can read this story of the disciples in Matthew 14: 22-31.
- Immediately after this, Jesus insisted that his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake, while he sent the people home. 23. After sending them home, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. Night fell while he was there alone.24 Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves. 25 About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, “It’s a ghost!”27 But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!”28 Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.”29 “Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. 30But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted.31 Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?”
Why then? – This storm came unexpectedly upon them. It came as suddenly as it comes on our lives at times. Panic broke out on board.
Remember –
The 12 disciples are traveling in obedience
, Carrying out their masters orders, by going over to the other side –
The Why’s creep in with intensity!
Remember –
Let one thing control your mind if you are a child of God – Jesus knows everything about the situations you are going through “right now” that you don’t know!
You don’t have to do anything wrong -to have crisis in your life storms come hit you just like the disciples.
Remember –
Reach out, uphold your heart God is for you, who could be against you?
God will help you succeed – satan will not help you fail
God will not help you fail. satan will not help you succeed!
God often wants to bring deeper new revelations to our hearts! That’s why Jesus sent them to the other side, opening us up to new horizons
The other side is were new opportunities existing.
The other side is your breaking new ground.
The other side is a place of refreshment.
The other side is a celebration of victory
The other side is a new way of life – life style taking us from Glory to Glory.
Let the WHY’S be settled for once and for all. Self-pity, lies, discouragement are the satan’s trump card.
Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6)
When I don’t know what to do, I ask myself. What would Jesus do in my situation? So I normally begin by praying the Lord’s Prayer. It was and still is at the begin of my relationship with “Our Father”. If you recall in the passage of the storm Jesus had gone to the mountain himself to pray!
I have been challenged to write a book by a number people, I was told to start by writing your most exciting chapter first so here is an insight into that chapter with a few pictures. I will begin to write this next week.
My testimony as a Missionary/Evangelist underlines the importance of a personal relationship with the Father. Through prayer. God’s Word is the seed of reproduction. It produces life faith and power, new birth and healing. His Word will not come forth in power or reproduction unless you do away with unbelief and religion. Let these words produce a force of faith within you.
I would like to share a testimony of my beginning of my missionary journey. It began deep in the jungles of Malaysia. My wife Judy sent his friends and me into the Jungle with her brother Sunny. I began to ask questions on the way about this trip to the Orang Asli, aboriginal people of Malay whom they had been visiting for sometime. What response they had received to their preaching? I was surprised to hear basically they had been feeding, clothing and supplying basic medical needs. We were on the way in a four wheel drive because it was explained we were going off road deep into the rainforest we would actually be following paint marks on trees. It struck me I need to pray for the Lord to lead me. Again God’s word came to me!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways submit to Him and he will direct your paths. (Proverbs 3 – 5:6).
God began to speak to me through my Spirit. Immediately I was told to stop and buy a bottle of milk. Sunny, Bobby and his wife Fiona said, “Milk what do you want that for?” I said I don’t know God that’s what God said! So we stopped and brought a bottle along with the food supplies for the tribe. We took the car as we could and walked the last few hundred yards into the village. As I approached with the team, I could see the men pointing at the white stranger “me” I was frighten them I was told. So I was left to speak to the women and children in a jungle hut. Bobby was my interpreter, I began to tell them I lived far away from here were we don’t have the sunshine so my face was different. I had a laptop with the Ark Bible Club children’s video it amused them when they saw the animal puppets. Whilst in the hut I notice a cloth hanging from the ceiling something was moving inside it. I asked my brother in law Sunny look to see what’s in there. Wow he reached inside and pulled out a baby bear cub. It was immediately apparent then why God had told me buy the milk. It was for the bear cub, I was able to use this to share God’s provision and the creation story. I then asked Bobby to find out if anyone needed prayer. He told me about a small girl called Leb around 3-4 years old with skin diseases. I knew I had to pray for this child she was in pain and discomfort. I did’t lay hands on her just put my hands together like I did as a child and prayed the Lord’s Prayer. Everyone in the hut copied me the women and children putting their hands together. Then simply asking Jesus to heal her. Leb stopped crying but we saw no other visual signs, however a couple of weeks later I received a message from Bobby that her skin diseases had miraculously disappeared it had been confirmed by the local hospital doctors. It was the breakthrough this mission team needed.
Several months later we returned. It was so different when I arrived the men pointed to me saying Leb, Leb! These men were no longer frightened, they lived in darkness hung charms on trees so many Superstition and I guess my white skin is why I was greeted in such away. This time I had been praying for God to reveal a message for me to share to the tribe especially the men. This time I told the team on the way we need to buy some torches this time the response I received was OK!
Where is the way to the dwelling of light? Job 38:19
I began to share this message with them all using the torch to shine upon each one of them as an illustration. Close your eyes for a glimpse of picture. Then the jungle village had no light at night it was pitch black only a glimmer from a fire perhaps. I began to share God’s Word about Light and darkness; the Holy Spirit was at work they listened so attentively. What followed saw this group of men wanting Jesus light come upon them and take away sin and darkness from lives. Signs and wonders followed as God miraculous healed a young man who had injured himself, everyone was too happy. I have so much more to share about how God continues to work in the jungle.
God is the light and in Him is no darkness at all. (John1: 5)
As long as I am in the world. I am the light of the world (John 9:5)
If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, blood of Jesus His Son cleanses from all sin. (John 1: 6-7).
Today I am going to shine this light in my hand to you.
Do you want Jesus light to shine on you today and take away the darkness and sin in your life? If you can come and talk to your Pastor Paul or me.
You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Let your light so shine before men. That they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16).
Now I am going to shine the light bulb in my hand a second time. – – Are you ready to let your light shine before men today? Just like we seen the Gospel spread throughout the Jungle, we are called to share and witness the love of Jesus with mankind it outside these doors.
Today I have brought tracts and the Lord’s Prayer hands for you. Take some to share with friends and folk who don’t know Jesus he is alive wants to heal your body soul and spirit now. I thank God for those who have been touched and healed today, He cares about “one” as God healed a little finger of young lady who had been pain for ten years.
“My God How great thou art”