Preaching the Word of life Signs & Wonder follow

Preaching the Word of life Signs & Wonder follow

We took the Word of God out into the village community in Pakistan partnering Pastor Anees. We had a good mixture of people sat watching the ministry via Zoom on a big white sheet. It is wonderful to see them respond and hear testimonies of people receiving Jesus as their saviour and people sharing how they’ve been physically healed and wanting to share with others.

He said, “My name is Vicky – Amen and I belong to village number 90/6-R and this belongs to the Muslims and I want to share my testimony with you something that I could not see with one eye because I was born like this. I went to different doctors and had my eye treated but all of them told me that your eyes could not be cured. When I found Pastor Anees was performing a healing service in our village. Pastor Anees invited me to join in this worship and I came to this worship with great faith and through Pastor Peter ministry I received the physical healing that I am witnessing today with you all. As Pastor Peter was praying, my eyes were being opened. I felt like someone was operating on me as soon as I did. Shouting in the name of Jesus be healed and I could see. Praise the Lord, Hallelujah. (Vicky pictured with Pastor Anees).

Healing Outreach Meeting on Zoom

We began organising our first outreach meetings on Zoom.It meant we needed to work with Pastor Anees Sager to outsource a laptop computer, projector to connect up through a mobile phone and a large white sheet to projector my picture to those who came to here the message and receive ministry. It’s amazing how the Gospel can shared through the internet how the people can hear and see me and I can see them. We are not talking of conference surroundings, its quite crude we are always praying for a good internet and electrical supplier.
Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it (Mark 16:20).Following these early meeting we began to receive testimonies of salvation and miraculous healings.

Third Testimony “I believe God has healed you and I ask you to serve us.”

Dear Brother Peter, I am very happy to tell you this and I thank God that the honest man we were talking about last night, Imran, has just called me and I have been told that I am completely healthy and my legs are fully functioning and I am fully up on my feet and I have jumped many times like at night and I I am thankful that I have been healed through Pastor Peter and I am very thankful to God and my heart is full of gratitude and I confess to God that God gave me His belongings. I am very grateful to you for opening the window and healing me with your healing hand

And this is a great miracle that has been done by God and by God and it has been done through you. “I believe that God has healed you and I ask you to serve us.” Want to introduce more in pakistan the way is cold pakistan is less severe and the weather changes so we will arranged a big healing pray meeting in pakistan in which we will sit down with you and talk and plan on it We will see how we can do this and honor and glorify God’s name

Author Pastor Anees Sager

Zeal Zoom – Invitation from Pastor Anees in Pakistan

Zeal Zoom ministry began in January 2021, when I received a zoom link from Pastor Anees Sager to preach to a group of people in a small building in town. I decided on a message to preach “The Goodness of God” sharing scriptures getting people in meeting to read from their Bible’s it gets them involved and cuts the time having to interpret to. I began by sharing Luke 4:18  “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because He did anoint me; to proclaim good new to the poor, Sent me to heal the broken of heart….  I felt a prompting of the Holy Spirit to pray for anyone who is sick. I could visually see God moving on people with blind man seeing and crying out to God, The ladies arm becoming free as she raised her arm above her head, she smiled and looked surprised. Then their was a man who stood up.

Later I received this message from Pastor Anees:- Brother Peter today you shared with people a very good and blessed word, and after your word people expressed great joy that today we have heard a very good word through the servant of God. And received received many spiritual blessings. And when you prayed for the boy and after praying the boy realised what the spirit of God had put in his heart and he testified that through Peter I have received healing and this question Christ has made known to me in the name of Jesus Christ and the Spirit of God and today I am complete with boy of my eyes. I can see and this is a great miracle of God that is done today.

And the second prayer is that the left arm of the woman was not functioning and when you prayed to this woman and through this prayer that arm of this woman is completely healed. Began to work on this woman has expressed that today God has healed me through the pastor’s stone and has put in my heart by the Spirit of God that I can bond with all my people. And thank God that God has given me healing today.

God works in ways we cannot see.

Well back in 2018 I went for the launch of Tent Nation in Daytona Beach USA. It was hosted by Drs. Kevin & Leslie McNulty who lead Tent 100 across Eurasia and Europe. It was at a conference in Moscow in 2015 for tent evangelist they prophesied that I should write book of my journey of what God had done in my life. Kevin said, “this book will touch peoples lives”. It was decided my book “Passing the Baton” should be launched during this time, Kevin had written the forward. It was on the book table throughout the festival. One of the people who purchased the book was Larry Hepler, who I met during my time at the launch of tent nation
It was 2020 I had just returned from Belarus, I received a call. “Hey Peter, its Larry Hepler would you like to join me ministering in the Ukraine via Zoom every Thursday. I know your not able to travel right now because of the pandemic. I am starting an online group with people I have ministered with in Ukraine on my mission trips. We will have an interpreter and have fellowship together. We began by going through the book of Ephesians as the group grew and developed. This was the start of the Zoom outreach ministry.  I have been amazed seeing how God has used this platform around the world.