One little girls miracle changes the destiny of the tribe forever.

I have been so looking forward to this mission into Jungle in Malaysia. I first went into the Jungle with my brother in law and his friend Bobby Ho back in 2008. They had been going into the Orang Asli for two year prior to my first visit going deep into the jungle the nearest town is Kuala Lipis in the central penisula. This first visit triggered an amazing breakthrough. I was being looked at to help evangelise these people. Truthfully I didn’t really have an exprience in this area. I had brought a laptop with DVD called Billy Bible which was to intrigue them.

Bobby & Sunny stopped in Kuala Lipis to buy rice and various other things like tea, sugar and salt. I had been praying to God for help,how I could reach these people. Then suddenly I felt God lay on my heart to bring a pint of milk. I told Bobby to stop the car! I need to by milk, he said milk? Yes I said milk, we need milk! This milk we were to find was to feed a “bear cub” in a hammock. This enabled me to share the creation story. Ida one of tribeswomen fed the cub, I was able to share how she an others used milk to feed their children you could see them grasping the creation story.

I felt is was now time to pray for any problems the people in hut had. It was women and children only the men had run off when they saw me, Bobby said, “you have scared them they’ve need seen a white man before”. I began to pray the Lord’s Prayer I got them all to put their two hands together Bobby translated it for them to repeat.

I then prayed for the children and in particular a little shy girl “Leb” just 3years old. I really felt that God had touched her after this prayer. We soon learnt God certaintly had the skin infection had gone. It was a miracle because the hospital had said, to Fiona, Bobby’s wife when she previously took her to the hospital this could only be contained by using cream. The news of this healing got the attention of the whole tribe. Bobby and a small group have continued to share and support this indigineous people known as the Orang Asli.

Bobby and Sunny invited me back during my next trip back in 2010. This time the men did not run away they were eager to listen to. they pointed at me and saying Leb! They knew I was the white man who prayed for Leb. This time I brought along “Joe Crow” with me we spoke about the Lord’s Prayer this immediate brought smiles to all ages. I shared about our God with everyone. I told them that our God was the light of the World and used a torch to illustrate. The Holy Spirit was really connecting with them at least 10 or 11 of them responded to the message when I explained that who called on the name of Jesus would be saved. I asked them to make a cross with their arms to receive Jesus in their heart. Gracious God healed a young man of a leg injury immediately. Bobby & Fiona have continued to serve this community tireless the signs have certainly followed. Bobby is a businessman he has many talents he uses those talents for God’s glory. What wonderful work, he has now linked up with a Pastor called Sudir an Orang Asli himself. Well this is the background behind the mission. I am posting some pictures from the first and second trips so you can see for yourself.

I have longed to see this work I met Sunny on holiday for the new year. I asked him what’s been happening he told me 42 of the tribe had been baptised. I told him I have a burning passion to return between Sunny and my wife they encouraged me to contact Bobby and go!

I contacted Bobby immediately he said, “yes please come!” I could sense his excitement as he shared with me. Then Bobby said, “Peter would you consider coming with me to Siem Reap in Cambodia I have been there several times. I beleive we could see a similar breakthrough as the local Pastor goes out into the villages he has around 16 villages and goes with a team it his called “The Church of God, Siem Reap”. After praying I really felt God laying it on my heart to go especially when I heard of an opportunity to hold a mission school with Pastor Kundate’s team, then a request from him to teach on the great commission. This was the confirmation I needed this would mean a longer trip because I would need to be there for a week.

We began to make plans, we had two windows of dates. I had to opt for the least favourable to me which was to follow behind a weeks mission in Bulgaria. This meant I would only get to see Judy for 4days and I would be off for just over three weeks.

I was to hit the ground running leaving London on Friday, arriving in Kuala Lumpur Saturday pm. Then I had planned a trip to Kinto Kinaublu in Sabah. I wanted to meet the late Bishop Albert Vun’s wife it was my plan to meet them when I booked in January. I contacted another friend Dr Phillip Lyn of Skyline Church in KK. He invited me to be his house guest. I was up at 4am on Sunday morning to catch the flight to arrive in KK to enable me to be at Skyline to hear Philip speak. He preached a message “Alive Again” that was just Food I need to hear I believe the Holy Spirit brought the simple sentence in the whole wonderful message for me to focus on, “ we often make a decison, but a decision is different to a commitment.”. It was truly a blessed time of fellowship for me before getting ready “committed” for the mission in Cambodia and Malaysia ahead.

I have always been “committed” in my heart to return to the Orang Asli people in Jungle. I have prayed for them on many occassions, I beleive it was Leb’s miracle that began my outreach ministry. That is called Zeal.

Well the day had come, we loaded up Bobby’s four wheel drive, we had been to Tesco the day before I wanted to use some of money you folks had given me. We buy for 15 families which is a lot of people when you consider Ida, Leb’s mum has 8 children! The resouces you had donated was going to be given to the Pastor Sudir to use at various Orang Asli locations. It was loaded with our clothes, bed rolls, drinking water in large containers, petrol for generators. This was around 200km from Kuala Lumpur drive to the nearest town Kuala Lipis were we would stop again for rice 15 bags, sugar, cold canned meat. I wanted to buy some cake for them bannana, coconut, chocolate “big logs” of sponge cakes. Bobby said, “what made you buy that cake?” The description of the wrapper sounded good. Bobby said. I normally buy it they love it! They certaintly did.

Well we’re about to go off road through the plantation following on to the dirt roads. The trees have painted to dabs of coloured paint for us to make our way in. It is a very bumpy road you get thrown around quite a lot as it twist and turns. We eventually came to the clearing what a difference now you can drive all the way in. Above the huts were now water storage tanks. A brick toilet block of three to serve the 150 in the tribe and a brick built building. Much of this is largely due to Bobby they now have ID cards and can recieve benefits and health care.

What an immediate welcome we received as the people gathered around us. We were greeted with wonderful smiles. Bobby had told them a week so before that the “white man” is coming! I immediately recognised many of the adults who had received Jesus on my last visit. Ida was there in the front with her normal beaming smile from ear to ear.Ida is Leb’s mum the woman who fed the bear cub. There she was clutching on to her latest child she has 8 now. Everytime I moved there was Ida with that wonderful smile in front of me, often with no inhibition she was breast feeding so naturally. I wanted to see Leb I had been waiting four years to see her I wanted to give her a Zeal Tshirt in the smallest size I have. She was in the big community hut having “Sunday School” with the rest of the children having great fun singing away.

A good number of them gathered under the trees sitting on chairs, others on the floors of surrounding huts. Bobby introduce Pastor Kundate who had been there was once before asking him to pray for the tribe, then their own Pastor Suri and his assistant spoke Alfred. I was then ask to speak of what it meant to be baptised. It was so wonderful to be back amongst them all especially to be part of this celebration with those being baptized and the tribe HIS followers!

The Great Commission – A Personal Instruction
The Great Commission is one of the most significant passages in the Holy Bible. First, it’s the last recorded personal instruction given by Jesus to His disciples. Second, it’s a special calling from Jesus Christ to all His followers to take specific action while on this earth.
The Great Commission is found in the Gospel of Matthew:

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age’” (Matthew 28:18-20

Pastor Suri had organised the filling of a small brick built tank specifically made for baptising the people. I was given the honour with him of baptising the eight people who made the decision to be baptised. I was so grateful Bobby asked him to fill the tank as the water came straight from the river and thankfully the warm sun had taken the chill of it.

I was now dripping wet after baptising the eight. Bobby then wanted me to speak with the people again and pray for healing for those who came forward. God touched many of them instantly many of women had back problems from carrying around children often two at a time often with one feeding at the same time. God had given me a word of knowledge that someone had leg problems. Immediately a group came around me. The Pastor had told Bobby that I needed to go to a hut and pray for a man who had been mauled by a bear in the jungle. We walked down to his hut I stooped and looked in to see this man laying on a mat. I couldn’t be sure he looked like one of the men who had received Jesus in 2010.

He had been be mauled on the lower shin and ankle you could see the bone and claw mark on his foot. Amazing he had managed to get away, it was really an ugly deep wound. I prayed for his healing he had already had one miracle his life was spared. I continue to pray for God miracle touch to heal so he can walk again soon. It is a miracle that there is no sign of gangreen.

It was now time to the tribe to be fed and preparation was taking place the pots were being heated. Now was my time to go and join the children and see Leb with group I could recognise several other like her sister Pearl. I was treated to some christian action song they had leant, a real blessing hopefully I can share move clip with you. Then it was time for Joe Crow to appear to share the Lord’s Prayer he would soon win them over and they would join in with him. I tired to get some pictures of Leb she is such a shy person and very reserved. I am sure she knew who I was.

The food was now hot and ready to serve, it smelt really good! Big pots of rice, chicken in sauce, green vegatables, dried fish, and wild boar that they caught and killed from the jungle especially for this mission. Everyone was feed they had great appetites, there was so much food. I really enjoyed mine the wild boar was especially tasty, however I did give the dried fish a miss. Next it was cake I had brought the cake when Bobby was buying bags of rice.

Bobby began to cut thick slices we had bannana, coconut and chocolate flavour it was delicious. They would come and take several slices, Bobby needed to remind them only take one until everyone had their’s! Bobby had brought medical supplies and began to distribute to them vitamins, worming tablets and dressings and various creams. As the afternoon went on it was getting to hot we beleive it must have been around 40 degrees. I would be standing under the trees and many would come and stand by me and smile, when you can speak the language a hug says a lot. It was time to pray with tribe and leave, I was feeling so priviledged and blessed.

We set off back through the jungle, we were following Pastor Suri with his team in the mini bus to their village around one hour away. Bobby glanced at the tempreature in his vehicle it was 37 as we were going through shade of the trees. We arrived at the village it was not deep in the Jungle but neverthless it was off the road. surrounded by woodland. There was mixture of traditional wooden building and newly brick buildings, a toilet and shower block. I was surprised to see a reasonable sized church building. The good news was this were we were going to sleep on the floor and not in a hut!

This was going to be were I was going to speak to another group of villagers tonight. Before that more food Pastor Suri has prepared food for everyone was ready. I was really surprised to a group of women and children come from the Jungle they wanted to come and were going to stay overnight at the other end of the church from us.

The service began with praise and worship slowly more and more turned up. A group from a Chinese church who supported Pastor Suri arrived. I shared a similar message to Cambodia about Jesus being the “light of the world” illustrating with the church and the difference between living in darkness and light. It was good to see so many respond to the Gospel. I then began to pray for the sick many of them were touched. The lead guitarist was in pain in his stomach, he really felt touched by the Holy Spirit and the Pastor’s mother who had stomach problem and couldn’t even move her neck from side to side. I learnt from the Pastor later some of those who responded had turned away from God, he was so delighted!

It was an interesting night ahead we were sleeping on the floor of the church. I have to say it wasn’t the greatest night sleep. Bless the Orangi Asli children they woke during the night a few times. Then at 4.00am it was time to give up trying to go to sleep anymore the cockrels and roosters were have competitions from one end of the village to another. Bobby, Kundate and myself were awake no point of trying to sleep anymore. Time to shower and clean your teeth. I began to pray and read my devotional for the Holy Spirit to move on this meeting today. This morning I knew I would mainly speaking to the Church. I felt to share the Basic Christian message which is Love which is the root to the christian faith. Then my mind drifted towards food, I had real desire for scrambled eggs on toast and a strong black coffee. We had been invited to Pastor’s house for breakfast guess what he was making for everyone “scrambled eggs, cooked ham meat, bread and serious black coffee.

I was so blessed, we took the food up to the Orang Asli and served them, it was wonderful to be with them.

Sunday morning the service began with Asistant Pastor Alfred leading the singing, Pastor Suri was on the drums. Some of the folks had gone to the indepence day celebrations. Bobby Ho spoke first introducing Pastor Kundate from Cambodia. Then I share the Basic message of a christian is love. Then I felt God telling me to leave the platfrom and tell everyone to join me and stand by the big tree drawn on the wall at the back of church. I asked the people what could they when they looked at the tree and what couldn’t they see.

I sensed a tremendous annoiting as I spoke. I asked two people to give testimonies who God had healed the night before. The Holy Spirit began to lead me with words of knowledge people were being slain in the Spirit including the Pastor, others were being healed a young girl said she had been tormented in her mind, she was touched by the Holy Spirit and set free. It was an amazing time as the Holy Spirit ministered. What an absolute blessing! I was absolutely exhausted we drove back to Kuala Lumpur, I must confess I slept most of the way home.

We were met by Fiona who was eargerly waiting for our news of the trip, they were packing for a long weekend in Malacca. I was packing for home, I went to the Curve for a last minute shop for my lobster crackers, bananna cake and green cake for the grandchildren. Then I wanted to eat I had been introduced by Bobby to the food outlet called Johnny Rockets they serve tremendous burgers and amazing bannana milk shakes.

I walked back to the house the taxi was collecting me for airport. My flight was 3 am it got delayed fortuantely I was able to sleep for most of first leg a seven hour flight I was so tired. The second leg was daytime I finished writing my blog. I was reflecting so much on what God had done on this amazing mission wonderful memories to treasure and share with everyone. I am truly blessed to God be the Glory for the great things HE has done!!

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