Cambodia/Malaysia Mission Update 3
I concluded my ‘FATOS’ (Faithful, Available, Teachable, Obedient Servant) presentation with talking about the fruits of the Spirit. I concluded with Mark 16:20 – “And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message accompanying signs.”
What an absolute blessing it is to be here in Siem Reap, Cambodia amongst these beautiful people. I feel so privileged that God has sent me here. I am continuing to teach in the Mission School; I have so much to share and my time is whizzing by!
These next few days I am focusing on sharing on all the resources that I have brought from England. I can assure all of you that donated money from my home church, Trinity Church, they’re so appreciated by all these students and teachers in the mission school.
Tonight we looked at two DVDs: first, “The Good Artist” which illustrates the Gospel message very clearly. I also brought along some books that tell the story, which allow the teachers to sit around with the children. These resources also work well with adult audiences. When we were out in the villages, the parents would be looking on from the fringe taking in everything that was happening.
The biggest hit of the night was “The Adventures of Billy Bible” (about Noah’s Ark). Oh, how they loved this DVD! Everyone listened intently to the story, they joined in with the songs and I wished all those who were involved with me in making this DVD could have seen the joy and laughter each puppet brought to them. This is a timeless classic and a fantastic outreach tool. I know this DVD is travelling around the world to Belarus, Bulgaria, China, Cambodia, Malaysia, Macedonia Singapore, Uganda and Zambia.
God really spoke to me back in 2008 when I was going through a difficult time, and God clearly told me that I should start a Children’s Ministry and that this ministry would not only reach children but parents also. He gave me a name for this ministry: Ark Bible Club. My vision was for the UK, and the model he gave me was to use young people as leaders so they would develop. This ministry is not only for the benefit of the children but to also give opportunities for young leaders to develop.
I can see that God’s plan carried a wider vision, which I am now seeing. I can see the impact it has had on these young leaders here in Cambodia. ‘Joe Crow’, my glove puppet, has made a real impact teaching The Lord’s Prayer, and they love the ‘Praying Hands’ Tract.
Pastor Kundate called to pick me up this morning. We went to the printers to collect the translation he had made of The Lord’s Prayer into Cambodian. Inside the hands on one side was in English and the other in Cambodian. The message on front says, “Good News” in Cambodian too, with his church’s name as well. It took all morning before we finally saw a proof, and it brought a real smile to Kundate face. The next stop was the internet cafe for a banana milkshake and ice cream – it was nice to cool down! Kundate is hoping the tracts will be ready when he joins us for the trip to the Orang Asli in the Central Peninsula.
Tonight is my last night with everyone in the mission school. Every session I would read a “Daily Light” devotional prayer, and after this I really felt led by the Holy Spirit to read Isaiah 53 to everyone, and then share on the chapter. We had seen so many people touched by God, with large numbers receiving Jesus as their Lord and Saviour during the Crusade. We saw people being healed and we heard testimony after testimony. Pastor Kundate was miraculously healed the first night of the mission school; this shows how God can work through any of us!
Then we looked at the ‘Christianity Explored’ DVD, and we went through the first two sessions, and I showed them how to organise the course for themselves. I am sure this is going to be a great tool for disclipling people into the Kingdom in the future.
I concluded the evening by going very quickly through the ‘Fruits of the Spirit’ module. It was much too quick but I wanted to leave them with the message I began with: “You’re the only Jesus some will ever see!” It was quite emotional leaving this group and some have been sending messages on Facebook – I feel truly blessed from my time there.
My last night was my first night to be able to take Pastor Kundate and his dear wife Canthoeurn Ouk to dinner. I couldn’t pronounce her name so I was given the option of calling her Sarah. It was clear to see from the first moment I met her that she a vital part of this ministry. She is such a quiet lady who just gets on and does when needs doing! Four nights a week she prepares food for the young people going out to teach. She has young children herself and still finds time to teach.
The next morning at 6.00am Kundate was at the hotel to pick me up. I was leaving to fly back to Kuala Lumpur, a two and half hour flight, a train and then a taxi to the Curve were my friend Bobby Ho faithfully collected me to take me to his home. I was ready for a shower and then fell asleep before dinner!
Friday morning was my first opportunity to go into the city of Kuala Lumpur. Bobby dropped me at the train station – it was a bit of an experience finding my way around but I found a fantastic shopping complex. I love looking at all the tech stuff that would maybe help presentations. I took myself outside for a quick look around and had my picture taken by the ‘Twin Towers’ which are the icons everyone recognises.
Whilst in Kuala Lumpur, I planned to meet Kalbi Massey from England, who was over visiting her family in Malaysia. We have got to know each other working with an evangelists’ organization; we’ve become good friends and got to see a lot of each other when she joined Amnos Church Planting School, which is in the same building as my office.
Then I finally got to meet Max Barcham, an Australian who like me, is married to Chinese-Malaysian wife. This was the first time for us to meet, as he was part of the same evangelists’ organisation in Malaysia, having previously conversed over the internet. Max’s ministry involved sport, and this has become one of my real interests. It was a real blessing to share our walks with God together, and this wrapped a great week for me. Now I am looking forward to a weekend’s ministry in Ipoh.